Go into a Trance

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Go into a Trance
To get yourself into a deep trance.

Casting Instructions for 'Go into a Trance'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing
To go into a trance, start by staring off into space. Take a deep breath, while counting to five. Once you reach five, stop and hold your breath for five seconds. Then exhale for five seconds. Inhale five seconds, hold five seconds, exhale five seconds. Whenever you exhale, see yourself going down two steps on a ladder. Once your body starts feeling funny (tingling or your leg (or arm falls asleep)) see yourself falling off the ladder into pitch black.

Then you will be in a trance. To get out of the trance, just shake your head back and forth, or stand up and shake out your arms and legs.


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Last edited on Jan 23, 2019
Part of the Aesir Sunset Library.


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This is box breathing with the beginning of a guided meditation, not trance work.

sorry, but in the very deep trance, majority people are hardly remember and move anything, so 'just shake your head back and forth, or stand up and shake out your arms and legs' will not work to get out from a very deep trance.

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