Magically Look How You Desire

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Magically Look How You Desire
This spell will cause you to naturally look more like how you desire, gradually over 15 days. It must be performed on the night of a new moon, preferably at 11:11 PM.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A quiet, comfortable place (recommended: your bedroom)
  • A drawing or picture of what you want to look like
  • Candles (can be fake)
  • A glass of water

Casting Instructions for 'Magically Look How You Desire'


-Creating a Drawing-

On a full sheet of plain paper, draw/print an image of who you want to to look like. It can be a character, an edited version of you, anything.

Above or below the drawing, sign your preferred name (whatever you'd like people to call you out of your name; nickname; middle name; last name).

On the back of the paper, in gold or silver, draw a religious symbol- preferably a pentagram, or your religious symbol mixed with a pentagram (e.g. a pentacross).

-The Spell-

1. Go into your bedroom (or any quiet, cozy place) and dim the lights.

2. Place your paper on your bed, desk or floor neatly, with the symbol side down and the drawing/image side up.

3. Arrange the candles around it based on how many you have (e.g. 1= Above the paper; 2= On either end/side; 3= Triangle; 4= On all corners; 5= Star).

4. Place the glass of water above the paper and candles.

5. Light the candles- clockwise, if applicable.

6. Chant this aloud:

"O God of Light and Goddess of the Sea,

Listen now and hear my plea,

The moon is empty, a chance for a start,

There's magic and hope in my heart.

I wish to change how I look,

How I'd be described in a book.

I find glory in the picture before me,

That is how I want to be.

I don't desire an instant change,

Or one that would seem very strange.

Instead, when the moon is full,

My transformation will be complete in whole.

Bless this water to give me my gift.

When I drink it, the start of action will be swift.

Thank you for listening to me,

Best wishes and blessed be.

That is my wish, so let it be."

7. Take a drink from your glass. Drink as much as you want, but don't drink more than you feel like.

8. If the candles are real, let them burn out. If they're not, leave them on until midnight. (If it's already after midnight, leave them on for an hour.)

Remember, you won't just magically change. The process will be natural. If you're changing your hair color, your pigmentation will change- which means instead of the hair you already have changing, your hair will start growing a different color.

---Side effects:

-Aches (if changing body shape)

-Hair pigmentation changing colors (if changing hair color)

-Eye pigmentation changing colors (if changing eye color)

-An accidental loss of some of your hair, or a change in hair type/texture (if changing hairstyle)

-Feeling tired or shaking

You will see results on the next full moon. If you have any questions, contact me through SoM mail. Be sure to contact me to let me know if you tried it, what you did and if it worked.

Blessed be!


Added to on Jan 07, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I will be doing this spell. Has it worked for you?

Sep 28, 2019
Yes, but it actually takes about two months, not just one.

I am doing this tonight. I will let you know my changes. Blessings to all.

Nov 01, 2019
Did it work?

it actually worked i look like deku thank you

Nov 22, 2019
is this a serious comment? i wanna look like deku :o

Nov 22, 2019
no it's not. it's a troll comment. beauty spells work in several ways, they can be used to hide ''imperfections'' [creating an illusion so people will overlook a pimple for exaple] enhance natural beauty [through natural remedies imbued with energy] or as a type of motivation to help you achieve a goal [weight spells for example] they do not transform your physical appearance without any effort, and they certainly don't turn you into Deku or any other anime character [try cosplay]

spells and magic cannot change the way you look. it is all genetic . This spell is fake ,just letting you know. Also everyone is beautiful in their own way so you dont need it. But if you desperate or something like that there are hospitals and certain operations on that.

Dec 20, 2020
Yes it doesnt change you physically it might just be an illusion so others see you differently

Nov 13, 2022
I've read books on epigenetics. Your thinking can alter your gene expression - the way you look, health, etc. I suggest you research it. Genes turn on and off all the time. I don't have blue eyes but my family members do. Technically, I can meditate (use epigenetic expression) to turn on the blue eye gene.

If you completely change your look will people remember the old or new you

I did the spell this evening March 10 (full moon ) at 12:30, right after midnight I will get back with you on the next full moon, and show any changes thanks Kevin

Can we not use a printed picture from the net instead of drawing?

I am horrible at drawing, will that make a difference?

Sep 14, 2020
No, this spell will not work

Sep 14, 2020
If you can't draw, you could try making a collage of photos you wish to look like

Oct 22, 2020
Nekoshema, you're giving mixed messages. Do you or do you not believe this spell will work?

May 12, 2021
Sorry, just saw this. It doesn't work. But the person asked if they have to draw. You can edit spells to suit your needs.

I'm kinda nervous to do this, because my fam doesn't know I'm interested in doing magic, so they'd be freaked out if I suddenly turned into, for example, Todoroki from MHA, my favorite anime. What should I do?

Oct 22, 2020
This could at best, work as a glamour to help disguise things and gently alter aspects of your physical appearance. Usually, these things are rather minor and to a standard person, may not be large noticeable changes. A spell like this can't make you look like a completely different person, or a character from anime.

What shall I do if I have to share my room with my sister for a year (because her room was on fire) and she shall not know that I do magic! And if I go somewhere else in the house my parents will suspect something... Can I do the spell at day time as well??

Could I just use a picture off my phone since I can't draw and haven't bought a magazine since I was 17.?

This spell raises a lot of questions for me, so I doubt it actually works. It might cast a glamour, but it will not change your physical appearance.

This may work depending on the changes you desire but not without effort on your part such as maybe you wanna be skinnier you gotta work out and diet but it could help achieve the goal faster perhaps

I believe that this spell actually works although I'll back to you on that on the night of the next full moon. I just cast this spell on March 1, 11:11pm 2022. Besides this might actually help those who have been incarnated and who are trying to bring forth their past lives form from the past to get a better understanding of what it was like in their previous life's body.

If i used Picrew to show what i want to look like, would i look like a picrew or still look well, human? (not anime style or any of that-)

I had a friend who had a sister, who changed her eye color with witchcraft. Sadly, she committed suicide a few years later.


Will this really work?

for anyone doubting beauty magick *different than glamour* back in October I had done something similar and it worked. I looked exactly how I wanted to look at the time trust

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