Sea Salt Purifcation Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Sea Salt Purifcation Spell
This spell is to purify your body of all negative energy that you might have.

Casting Instructions for 'Sea Salt Purifcation Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sea Salt
  • Focus
  • Meditation
  • Bowls w/lids
  • Chalk
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Sea Salt
  • Focus
  • Meditation
  • Bowls w/lids
  • Chalk

First meditate for 3-5 minutes, and then draw a circle in front of you with the chalk.

Now place the bowls w/lids inside the circle and then put 3-5 handfuls of sea salt in the bowls.

Next focus all of the negative energy into one bowl, while doing, say the following:

" Gods and Goddesses, you know me well and love me so, but all of this  negative energy has to go, because this is not who I am, this is not me please Gods and Goddesses hear my plea take the negative energy from me."

With your hands over the first bowl, feel all of the negative energy leaving your body and going into the bowl. Now place the lid on the bowl.

Now focus on the second bowl of sae salt and visualize it changing to pink and purple colors. While focusing on the sea salt in the second bowl say the following:

" Gods and Goddesses hear my plea and feel me with thy positive energy. From the negative energy I've  been set free."

Now visualize the purple and pink colors filling up your body with positive energy. Place the lid on the bowl and put them somewhere safe.

Repeat the spell as many times as needed.


Added to on Apr 12, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is a rather simple cleansing. Take your time, relax, and feel the negative energy leaving your body [you should feel calm, content, and lighter by the end]

This should work. I dislike the complexity of the first chant, but that is a personal qualm. I believe chants should be simple to ensure repetition so you can enter a trance state. The second chant would do the trick.

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