Werewolf Spell (tested myself/works)

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Werewolf Spell (tested myself/works)
This is a spell I have seen many times before, although i have tested it and it DOES work. It can be done either at day or night and you MUST believe in the spell in order for it to work. This spell will allow you to physically shift into a werewolf and back as you please.

Casting Instructions for 'Werewolf Spell (tested myself/works)'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A bathroom or bedroom (does not matter)
  • Belief in the spell
  • A door that can be locked
  • A place to sit down
  • Paper (optional, in case you want to write the spell down instead of memorizing it. NOTE this spell WILL NOT WORK if you read it off of an electronic, believe me, that's why it failed the first time I tried)
  • A wolf form in mind
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A bathroom or bedroom (does not matter)
  • Belief in the spell
  • A door that can be locked
  • A place to sit down
  • Paper (optional, in case you want to write the spell down instead of memorizing it. NOTE this spell WILL NOT WORK if you read it off of an electronic, believe me, that's why it failed the first time I tried)
  • A wolf form in mind

Make your way inside of the bathroom or room in which you chose, locking the door behind you.

Sit on the ground and picture yourself in your desired wolf for for a few moments before reciting the spell

recite the spell as followed below (note, you cannot whisper the spell, doing so will result in the spell not working)

Say out loud three times:

Let me have fur of a wolf. Let me transform into a wolf any time i want. Let me have control in my wolf form. Let me be a creature that i want to be so mote it be.

After doing so, you may experience some of these side effects as listed (note, it may take a week to two weeks before you can begin transforming, people who are under the age of thirteen are not recommended to do this spell)


Side effects (note, you may not get all of them, certain side effect may vary on who you are!)


increased sense of smell

better balancing


Increased sense of smell

Clearer vision

urges to growl, snarl, howl etc.

Nausea (mild to severe)

Blacking out (may or may not happen after you say the spell)


cravings for meat

increased appetite

bone, legs, arms, back etc. Aches

Headaches (mild to severe, can make you black out if bad enough)

increased bladder control

increased speed




Added to on Jan 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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i also forgot to add one side effect in which should be very obvious. You may also obtained severe anger issues

Jan 30, 2019

Jan 30, 2019
this spell does not work, doesn't matter if you claim it does, real magick doesn't contradict nature, and since humans cannot transform [sorry to burst your bubble but physical werewolves are not real] this spell is 100% fake

Why does the door need to be able to lock

Mar 17, 2019
I would assume it would so you would not be disturbed. However this spell is fake, and cannot work so it wouldn’t matter if the door was locked or not.

To the people saying the spell is fake, or doesn’t work, I hope to you know how rude you are being. I’m sorry if this is offensive, but nobody asked you. If the spell didn’t work for you, that’s too bad, it didn’t work, oh well. But others who want to try this spell, either just for fun or because they actually believe, don’t necessarily want your ‘this spell does not work this is not possible’ comments. I’m sorry but I personally find these comments annoying and unnecessary. Thank you for understanding, please just keep those comments to yourself.

Sep 21, 2019
Just pretend those ? Are ‘

Sep 21, 2019
WHAT THE HALDBSKK RHEHS it’s correcting the apostrophes to question marks I don’t understannnddd

Sep 22, 2019
Regarding the question marks, the site does that sometimes [especially if you type in a different language] two, we are trying to educate people on real magick so they don't waste time/energy on fake spells, get discouraged and leave the path. If you want to play make believe, fine, but not on this site since it's for real pagans to discuss real paganism, not nonsense

Jul 29, 2024
Well nekoshema at least to let people have their own beliefs

Aug 01, 2024
@derp_burp people can believe whatever they want to believe. Nobody is stopping them. What myself, HearthWitch, Tadashi, and many MANY others in these comments and elsewhere are the site are doing is explaining the difference between actual magick and fantasy magic. You can believe in werewolves. Werewolves are astral beings [similar to spirits] some people claim to have been born with a werewolf or animal spirit instead of a human spirit. You can also work with animal spirits to guide you on your path. We're not arguing those. We are stating facts because magick, witchcraft, and paganism can be confusing, especially when you're new. Magick is a neutral energy that brings change. Each plane of existence has its own natural laws that rule magick. [the laws of the physical plane are more rigid than the laws of the astral, fantasy, ethereal, ancestral, so on] On other planes, you can transform into a werewolf [but that's not physical transformation. That would be mental shifting, astral shifting, whatever plane] You cannot transform into a physical werewolf on the physical because it contradicts nature. [it's just a fact like saying the earth is round] You can choose to ignore reality, but it's a fact. You can try this spell [nobody's going to stop you] but if you go around the site claiming it's possible or harassing members who explain why it's not possible, these are rule violations and your account can get gagged [I'm not saying that's what you're doing, I'm giving you the heads up on the site rules] Believe whatever you want, but the site has a zero-roleplaying policy and a zero-harassment policy [also, don't spam the comments, that's another rule. I deleted your double posts, so just a heads up in future]

How long does it take for this to work

Sep 22, 2019
This spell won't show results. Magick cannot change our species, genetics or physical form; breaking natural laws isn't possible. Werewolves also aren't real, and so you cannot become a werewolf.

hi!!! i am a few months over 13 years old is it still safe to do??

Apr 30, 2020
All spells are safe at any age, provided you know ''the basics'' of magick. How new are you to witchcraft? I can mail you a list of resources to help you start if you'd like.

you guys it legit says for this to work you need to believe in this spell!!! how can it be fake if you dont believe

Apr 30, 2020
Don't believe everything you read. People can lie very easily online. Magick is an energy found in nature. On the physical plane [the one we live on] it's ruled by nature and cannot contradict it. Werewolves are astral beings [from a different plane of existence] they don't exist on the physical plane. Magick on the physical plane effects the energy around us to attract/repel a desired change in our lives. If it's possible naturally, it's possible, if it contradicts nature, it's impossible. No amount of believe will change that. [try the spell yourself to see] You can work with werewolves similar to deities, Dragons, or spirits [among others] you can call on their symbolism to influence your spiritual path, you can look into spirit animals and spirit totems [though I would caution your on it being borderline cultural appropriation] You can even dress like a werewolf if you desire [there is also people known as otherkin, they're humans but they have an animal spirit. physically, they're human, it doesn't give them shapeshifting powers, they just have a spiritual connection] Unfortunately physically transforming into a werewolf isn't possible. Take care. All the best on your path.

You cannot physically transform.

Jul 29, 2024
Oh stop trying to force what you think on others

Jul 31, 2024
I am not forcing ''What I think'' on others. I am stating a fact about Real Magik. Physical transformation is not possible. You can mentally, astrally, and spiritually shift. You can work with Astral werewolves or use werewolf imagery in your craft. However, it is a fact of reality that Magik on the physical plane is limited by natural law. Humans cannot will themselves to physically transform, ergo, it is not possible to do so with Magik on this plane. If you choose to ignore my, or others, explanation, nobody is going to stop you. I do not care if you choose to ignore my comments. I comment on spells to help new members who do not know anything about Real Magik know the difference between real and fake spells.

Dear Lord, hoooo boy, I have been getting almost every side effect Yesterday I got a horrible headache. Again though, hoooooo boy!!!

Aug 01, 2024
This is probably a combination of charging energy with nowhere for it to go [because the spell is fake] and a placebo. Your body is overcharged with magick and is negatively affecting you. You want it to work to such an extreme, that your mind is creating psychosomatic reactions [it's the power of the mind] Research false pregnancy for an example. Humans and other animals like dogs, mice and pigs can trick their body into thinking it's pregnant when the desire to be pregnant is strong enough. [also, elongating words is against site rules]

Aug 24, 2024
please stop

Aug 24, 2024
im not trying to be mean... but please do...

Aug 28, 2024
Neko was answering your question. This spell does not work. You are human. You charged Magikal energy for a fake spell. The Magikal energy had nowhere to go, so it returned to you, overcharged your body, and made you ill.

Does this spell make your clothes rip, or really hope it does

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