Reiki vision

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Reiki vision
Seeing the aura around others that show where they're hurt and where they're not.

Casting Instructions for 'Reiki vision'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Visualization
  • Love for life
  • Belief
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Visualization
  • Love for life
  • Belief

First focus on your fingers on a table or something flat. Sit down and put your hands at least two feet apart from each other. Spread your fingers from each other close your eyes and imagine your best friend or someone is hurt but their body is numb and there are no signs on the outside of his/her body.

Imagine you can suddenly see them as something else like a blue spirit or any color that gives you comfort and then imagine your least favorite color in parts of the body's spirit from and see the body agitated, and the whole body lighting up with your least favorite color and then try condensing that fake pain and watch it lead you to the source.

Look at your hands and try to see the same thing on a family member who has a broken leg, for instance, or arm and try to see the parts that are not in pain and see your favorite color and then try doing meditation for several days on that same set of mind.

Go out in the world and try to see people who are in a store or something and ask them if there in pain and if they tell you that they are and the reason and where its hurting at then your doing it right.


Added to on Jun 20, 2019
Last edited on Jun 30, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Odd. A simple beginners exercise to see auras is to place your hand a few inches away from a solid coloured wall and focus on the wall. Visualizing a glow as you heal someone is another beginners technique, but I would not walk up to strangers and ask if they are in need of reiki healing.

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