Inner Power Morphing

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Inner Power Morphing
transformation of a small piece of your inner spirit substance to achieve a new state of power a new ability

Casting Instructions for 'Inner Power Morphing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • meditation ability
  • the ability to control your self
  • focus on ones on inner self
  • self transformation motivation.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • meditation ability
  • the ability to control your self
  • focus on ones on inner self
  • self transformation motivation.

Start to meditate, the best you can, and focus on the thought of a bottomless well filled, with primal forces. Picture it gushing out more from the nothingness you're made of. Some of the it from the blanks between the things that make you, you.

Now, step 2, form the primal forces transform them in to what you want say. This could bea big spirit eye to see in to other planes of existence, for example, and then move it to the appropriate spot, in this case your third eye.

You can also imagine a staff or wand and place it on your hand as a spirit vision tattoo. In this case it acts as an amplifier for your control; like the key tattoo you get when you go to the angelic plane the tattoo makes you know things about the plane of existence.


Added to on Oct 26, 2019
Last edited on Oct 29, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does this actually work?

does this work?

Aug 21, 2021
This seems to be a personality type working geared to help one work on some aspect of themselves. Like meditating on an archetype card. This is a different way of doing the same thing. Yes essentially it could work to help improve different aspects of personality. However though the method is legit, take this particular spell with a grain of salt.

This sounds incomplete, however, it appears to be a spiritual journey of sorts. This can be used to motive, encourage, or light a fire within you to achieve your goals. In that regard, this should work, but I would create an ending to the ritual.

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