Animal mind swap ritual

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Animal mind swap ritual
Your mind goes into the animals body but the animal's mind doesn't go into yours. This is not expected to work mostly because I got the idea from a book. Also do NOT do this with a dangerous animal, mostly because their mind might over power yours, and your mind will be stuck in it forever. Remember this is NOT expected to work. Usually only certain people might be able to actually swap. By:Stormie's friend

Casting Instructions for 'Animal mind swap ritual'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A quite room.
  • Something comfortable to sit on
  • A strong mind
  • A chosen animal. The animal has to be with you tho.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A quite room.
  • Something comfortable to sit on
  • A strong mind
  • A chosen animal. The animal has to be with you tho.

Go into the room. Sit on what you have chosen. Get comfortable. Take the animal and either set it next to you, hold it, or put it in your lap.

Close your eyes. DO NOT OPEN THEM UNTIL you swapped or nothing happened for about like 10 minutes.

Then with your mind focus on that one animal, in your mind become one with it, feel like you are it like you have lived as it, if it has worked then you will be in their body.

This was written by my friend and she won't receive any of the comments or messages on it i don't know.if it will work or not but you find out and try it yourself. Have fun!


Added to on Feb 08, 2020
Last edited on Feb 11, 2020
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You cannot swap minds with any type of animal.

You cannot change minds with an animal.

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