Werewolf meditation shifting

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Werewolf meditation shifting
Shift without spells or ingredients

Casting Instructions for 'Werewolf meditation shifting'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • none
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • none
The first thing to do is relax. You must be fully relaxed for this to work. I suggest you sit against something. Next you need to picture your wolf body and will yourself to become it. Bring yourself into thinking that and you will become your wolf. If you concentrate hard enough and will it to happen after time it should happen.

Concentrate on this and then your arm or leg muscles will begen to get restless or actually hurt! Don't worry! The pain only exists the first time. Later transformations can still be slightly uncomfortable or be numb or itchy or even feel very good and give off a high, its case by case really. Continue on concentrating and do NOT fight the pain. Fighting it will only make it worse and stop the shift. Eventually you will shift.

Caution!! Because new shifters normally experience memory loss and can not control their wolf instincts the first couple times they may become a real danger to others. What I recomend you do is go into your room and lock the door.

To shift back to your human form, all you need to do is the same as above. Relax and will yourself back into your human form. Or you can just curl up and go to sleep. You will wake up back in your human form. (Your body and mind will revert to the form they are most happy in.)

Note you might find it hard not to shift when getting angery from now on and ripping someone apart, no joke.


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Last edited on Aug 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform. Meditation could help with mental shifting, but this one probably will not.

While it is possible to take on a wolf shape while traveling on the astral plane, there is not magic which will turn you into a werewolf physically. Werewolves are mythical creatures and have never existed in real life.

Hmmm, this is an interesting read. As a shapeshifter myself, I wonder if this would actually cause someone who is previously unawakened to themselves would be forcefully awakened and even be unstable in their animal mindset (because it was a forced awakening.) This feels like this would work, but based on how its explained the author has never actually physically shifted using this method. Dont get your hopes ups anyone, physical shifting isnt as cool as you would like to think, and you wont be able to shift using this method!

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