Purify Emotions

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Purify Emotions
This modified spell will help you let go of old situations. It should be performed during the Waning moon phase.

Casting Instructions for 'Purify Emotions'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • ~A white candle
  • ~A bowl of water
  • ~A bowl of salt
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • ~A white candle
  • ~A bowl of water
  • ~A bowl of salt
  1. Light the candle.
  2. Say, "I call upon the elements in this simple ceremony that I may be cleansed of the contamination of negativity."
  3. Wave your hands over the lit candle.
  4. Say, "I willingly release negative action in my fire."
  5. Rub salt on your hands and say, "I release stumbling blocks and obstacles in my earth."
  6. Put your hands in the earth and say, "I purify this water so that I may be healed."
  7. Put the water/salt mixture onto your cheeks, MAKE SURE NOT TO GET IT IN YOUR EYES. Do this for about 7 seconds. 


Added to on Oct 10, 2023
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I hope you guys like it! I worked very hard, inspired by the book, Supreme Witches by Gale Kardima.

Oct 10, 2023
It is not too bad, methinks. Though I think there is either a typo, or a mix-up in details as salt suddenly becomes earth, and then we go from putting our hands into the earth to having the salt and water mixed and being rubbed to our cheeks.

Maybe there is a missing or mis-described step?

Oct 10, 2023
I'm also not so sure about waving hands over the candle. You could inadvertently extinguish it if you wave too close or too forcefully. I might instead simply put your hands near the candle for a moment, then wave them over yourself.

Ok, thank you for the feedback! This is my first spell, and I hope to add more soon!

This is a great spell! Great job!

Not a bad spell, but it requires a little fine tuning. Firstly, reword the chant. Calling it a ''simple ceremony'' gives it a negative connotation. It does not matter the size, but the effort you put forth. Calling it simple makes it disheartening and lowers the vibration. ''I call upon the elements to cleanse myself of negativity.'' Secondly, I would be careful with the methodology of the spell. You can use these items safely, but fire and salt might end badly. If you put your hand too close to the fire, you could burn yourself, then plunging it into salt could result in making the burn worse. Also, you have nothing representing air. You could place a feather on the altar or light incense. I would place the salt in the water as you call on Earth and Water, then move on to the fire to ensure you will not make a potential burn worse. Otherwise, I like the idea of this spell and it should work, I would just flesh it out a little more and change a couple little things.

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