Mind Control

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Mind Control
This spell will give you the ability to control a human or animals mind.

Casting Instructions for 'Mind Control'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Mind
  • Some skill in magic
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Mind
  • Some skill in magic

1. Concentrate on the target.
2. Think of somthing for the target to do.
3. Feel the energy in the mind of the target.
4. Snap your fingers to activate the spell.



1. Beginners should start out with smaller animals.
2. Task should be somthing simple.


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Last edited on Mar 23, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot gain mind control powers with Real Magik.

Nov 04, 2022
why are some people so...dumb you can just concentrate and then mind control someone it just not how it works

Nov 05, 2022
I would not say that. They are naive and disillusioned. If someone grew up with fairy tales and movies about witches flying on brooms and wizards using cloaks to turn invisible, they will believe that is reality. When they discover witches are real and Magik is real, they will conclude transforming people into toads and vanishing in a cloud of smoke is also real. Only for real life witches to tell them it is not. This can result in three reactions: 1. They are a little upset, but willing to learn. 2. They try for themselves, and upon seeing it does not work, they either quit or turn to practicing witches for advice. 3. They double down and fight tooth and nail to convince us we are wrong and they are correct. Simply concluding they are unintelligent is not the way to go. You will look down on them, they will feel demeaned, and the odds of them either leaving the craft, or fighting for their fantasy world will increase substantially. I will admit, I can be abrasive at times, usually when a clearly fake spell has been reposted a dozen times. However, I would never assume someone who does not know what Real Magik is, that they are dumb. You would not call a child dumb because they do not understand trigonometry. Yes, there are some who will refuse to listen, and you will need to save your energy. But the vast majority simply do not know and assume what is on this site is real. When they see people claiming they are witches online and that they can do all of these cool things, they assume these witches are telling the truth. Anyone can fall for this, not just with Magik. You need to be wise and keep learning.

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