Self Purification Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Self Purification Spell
This is a self purification spell, meant to rid the body of negativity.

Casting Instructions for 'Self Purification Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Black Candle
  • 1 Green Candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Black Candle
  • 1 Green Candle
The White candle is for Positive Energy. The Black Candle is for Negative Energy. The Green Candle is for Healing. Clear your mind and Light the White Candle and say the following:
''Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit; I ask thee to Cleanse my body of all negative energies.''
Light the Black Candle and repeat the same words as before. Then after that Light the Green Candle and say the following:
''Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Spirit; I ask the to Free and heal my body from all negative forces. Blessed be!!''
You must do this in a quiet room somewhere that you will not be disturbed. After doing this sit back, keep your mind clear and relax for 15 minutes. Afterwords you should feel fresh and renewed. You will feel a lot better and you body will be healthier.


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Simple cleansing which should work to remove the negative energy we run into on a daily basis. If you worry you may have been cursed, you would need something a little stronger. This would be perfect before a ritual. Be sure to ground your energy and imagine negative energy leaving your body. This energy can look like anything, mud, tar, fog, anything that you feel represents ''negativity'' is how you would imagine it.

Apr 15, 2022
will it be more powerful, if we order the elements from earth(solid), water (lyquid), wind(gas), fire(plasma), spirit(ether)? and why the spell use green candle for healing? also is that more better, if we make the chants for 3 times, Cleanse, Heal, and Protect?

Apr 15, 2022
Try ordering it that way and see how it works for you. While blue is common for healing, I know many who also use green, so I assume it is just a colour preference. Use whatever colour you feel represents healing. As for the number of times you should chant, some follow the rule of three, personally I believe you should chant until you fall into a type of trance and let the energy take over. If you are counting to a certain number, your focus would be split between charging energy and counting how many times you chanted. As with the elements order and healing colour, go with whatever your preference is.

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