Body warmming

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Body warmming
a simple spell to warm your hands when cold using your iner fire. Oh and it also works on other parts.

Casting Instructions for 'Body warmming'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • # 1 mind
  • # open third eye
  • # concentration
  • # hand/whatever your tring to warm (preferably attached to you)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • # 1 mind
  • # open third eye
  • # concentration
  • # hand/whatever your tring to warm (preferably attached to you)
ok so I know there other spells like this here, and its basicly the same but i though I'd tell folk how i do it. so lets get started.

Take said body part of yours(best to start with a hand),
Put it in front of you and look at it, and imagine a fire round it.(onlt take a second or so)
NOW the hard bit close your pysical eyes, and then using your second sight/third eye try and see your hand at the same time say ''fire from ice''
See the fire, hear the cracle of the flames feel the heat.
as you do this concentrate on the heating properties of the flame
Again repeat ''Fire from Ice'' each time you say this fell the fire flare and a blast of heat though the body part. repate until warm.

you may find thay at first the tips of your finngers miss the heat.
Start of small and work your way up, if you are unable to get it to work try keep picturing the fire and saying ''fire from ice''
if it dosnt work for you when your freezing to death try your pocets
or a mixture it probably wont be able to set them on fire as it isn't pysical fire.


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This sounds like an overly complicated charging. Charge your body with energy, visualize a fire burning in your center and slowly growing to ingulf you. No chant required unless it helps with your focus.

Oct 16, 2022
Yes this one is way too complex while there are simpler ways to do it.

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