Youth and Longevity Potion Ritual

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Youth and Longevity Potion Ritual
This Is Kind Of Like A Beauty Spell At The Same Time A Life spell To Make You Live Longer...

Casting Instructions for 'Youth and Longevity Potion Ritual'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Read The Instructions...
  • Before You Do This Read This Whole Thing So You Know What To Do And What You Need...
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Read The Instructions...
  • Before You Do This Read This Whole Thing So You Know What To Do And What You Need...
Step1. Use any hydrosol. (I'll explain in the end how to make hydrosol)

Step2. Before you bath, use a cotton ball to dab the hydrosol all over your face and body. As you do this, feel the confidence filling your soul. Visualize how beautiful you are inside and out...really feel it, and see yourself as someone desirable as a lover and a friend.

Step3. Mix the hydrosol with your bath water, use natural organic soap and as you soak imagine living a long and healthy life...all thw while retaining your inside and outside beauty...a full long and happy life.

Step4. Allow yourself to air dry as much as possible.

*How to make hydrosol:
You take any flowers you want and you boil it in a pot, but you starin the liquid keep it and throw away the flowers.


P.S. Any questions, comments, or answers just message me.


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Be aware which plant you are using, some might have the opposite desired outcome. Also, while this can be used to clear your skin, giving yourself a youthful glow, it will not stop the aging process or give you a longer lifespan.

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