Talking to Spirits

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Talking to Spirits
Use this spell to talk to a spirit.

Casting Instructions for 'Talking to Spirits'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A 2p coin
  • A bowl of water
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A 2p coin
  • A bowl of water

Sit down in a room and place the bowl of water in front of you. Hold the 2p coin in the palm of your LEFT hand and put your right hand top. Then sqeeze the coin for 20 seconds thinking of the spirit you want to talk to and chant:

"I wish to hear you now, from a silent wisper, to a hoot of an owl. Take the power from this 2p, and communicate to me!"

After put the coin in the bowl of water and close your eyes. Sprinkle some of the water on your face, and then you will be able to hear the spirit you chanted for 1 minute, then you will no longer hear it.


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Last edited on Jul 17, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I tried it and it didn't work help

Apr 06, 2020
Sorry, this doesn't work. You could use it to skry. Charge the coin and say the chant, then place it in the water and stare into the water. Let your eyes unfocus and your mind drift off. You should start to see images in the water [while you may not speak with spirits, you could see visions of the past and/or future and since you specified you wish to speak with spirits, you could see spirits in the water] If you wish to communicate with spirits, you could try pendulum work or automatic writing. You might wish to balance your chakras so the energy flows unobstructed, as well as strengthen your clairvoyant abilities. Also, keep in mind not everybody is able to hear spirits, you might have a different ''clair'' such as sight, or sensing the spirits emotions/energy.

I highly doubt this will work, but there is no harm in trying. You would have better luck scrying in the water. Research exercises to strengthen your clairvoyance.

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