Body Change

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Body Change
This spell will make changes to your body over time, though it will only work on one aspect at a tome.

Casting Instructions for 'Body Change'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • full length mirror
  • quartz crystal
  • rocks, dirt, or earth symbol amulet
  • water
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • full length mirror
  • quartz crystal
  • rocks, dirt, or earth symbol amulet
  • water
stand in front of a full length mirror, with a bowl of water and some symbol of the earth element directly between you and the mirror. place the earth element into the bowl of water (the earth element symbolizes the body, the water symbolizes the forces of change). hold the crystal in front of you while staring into the mirror, and channel your will through it to change your body. say ''as water shapes and changes the eternal earth, so shall my body be reshaped''. this spell cast regularly over a period of weeks will begin to change the aspect of your body you wish, but do not change it night to night, stay consistent until you have the results you want


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It may set intention, but I doubt this works.

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