How to Make a Chi Ball

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► How to Make a Chi Ball
This is gonna show you how to make a chi/psi ball.

Casting Instructions for 'How to Make a Chi Ball'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Most spells will tell you to imagine yourself in a dark room with energies surrounding you. This is not the way to do it- I know this because I am a chi master. Sit in a meditative position as you clear your mind and body. Take deep breaths. If you become serene, you should feel something like waves throughout your body. This is chi. Practice moving it like an extension of yourself. Imagine it flowing out your arms and inbetween your hands.



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Last edited on Aug 12, 2016
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Incomplete and a little egotistical. Once you can feel the flow of energy (chi) cup your hands together as if you are holding a ball. Feel the energy flow down your arms and form the ball in your hands. You hands should feel warm, a slight push as if you are holding an object, sometimes a heaviness or tingles. Pull your hands apart and make the ball grown, then close your hands and feel it shrink. You do not need to visualize anything, it is about feeling the sensation. Visualizing can help some but it is not required to make a psi (chi) ball.

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