Elemental Cleansing Shower

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Elemental Cleansing Shower
This is a Cleansing Shower which can be used in the morning or at night.

Casting Instructions for 'Elemental Cleansing Shower'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Shower
  • Room Heater
  • Herbal Soap
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A Shower
  • Room Heater
  • Herbal Soap
  1. Set Indian Style on the floor near Room Heater which is turned on. Medaite for about 15 minutes.
  2. Get up and Turn on the Water, where its hot but not to hot. Then Romove your clothes and enter the shower.
  3. Cast a Elemental Circle in the Shower, Don't Invoke the God and Goddess.
  4. While in the Shower chant over the water the following: *Oh Water Fairy, Her my Plead, Send this water, your Ancient Protection and Cleansing Power. So Mote It Be*
  5. Then Set in the shower and Medate, Picture your Aura a Dark Brown and the Water going through you. As the water goes through you picture the brown going into the water and down the drain. Picture you Aura turning Yellow and Divine.
  6. After you a you are done with step 5, Stand and take the Herbal Soup and Chant: *Oh Earth which is in this Soap, Physical Cleanse me with you Ancient Power, So Mote it be!*
  7. Wash your body, including your face with the herbal soap.
  8. When Finshed Close your circle and then turn off water and dry, You may now dress.

Note: You can now do a Ritual or Spell Casting


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Part of the Gypsy Witchcraft Library.


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I would not call on water fairys unless you work with them either. Also, there is a simpler shower cleansing. As you are washing, visualize negative energy being washed away with it. You can even use a cleansing chant as you do this.

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