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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Aerokinesis
Well Aerokinesis is taking ahold of the wind and able to almost grab it an be one with it and tell it what to do!

Casting Instructions for 'Aerokinesis'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Open Mind
  • A big yard outside
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Open Mind
  • A big yard outside

This is not a spell, it is one of

my basic tqchniques to help you master Aerokinesis, it works for me so It shall work for you!

  • Step outside
  • Imagine and visualise the following

"Feel like the wind moves if you move. Try to imagine the wind moving

in the same direction as your arm does if you mvoed your right arm to the left...

Visualise a texture in the wind. Imagine that you were in a big clear nothing but

grass and flowers in a meadow! Feel the slightly gentle breeze blow on the top

of your head and feel it drag along with your hair/head"

This technique was completely made by MoonLite800

this technique is for LEARNERS other advanced

If you need help just contact me!


Added to
Part of the The Air Element Library.


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You cannot control the air. You work with the element of air.

Jun 11, 2023
so it's less like airbending and more like asking nature for help?

Jun 12, 2023
Kind of. You cannot control or manipulate the air element, but the element has natural abilities we can utilize in our craft. Air is associated with creativity and the mind. You can call on the air to help inspire you. You can stand outside on a windy day to cleanse yourself. You can meditate on a mountain and reflect on how free flowing air is. There is a lot that goes into working with each element, so I suggest researching the air element as it pertains to Magik to get a deeper understanding. There is a coven on here that specializes in The Air Element you could join.

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