Another Mermaid Spell. A BeccaSullen spells productions.

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Another Mermaid Spell. A BeccaSullen spells productions.
this is yet again another spell that might work it is yet again another mermaid spell. tyr it hope it works for yall.

Casting Instructions for 'Another Mermaid Spell. A BeccaSullen spells productions.'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • nothing
first lets start off by saying this:

''Water of nature talk unto me, Water of nature let the earth come to me, Water of nature sea creatures and I, will never leave each until I resign, Oh great oceans, Oh great seas, answer my want, answer my need, make me a mermaid!''

btw say this when you are wet.


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You cannot become a mermaid.

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