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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Meditating
A step-by-step guide on meditating.

Casting Instructions for 'Meditating'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Go to a quiet place and sit in a comfortable pose. Shut your eyes, clear your mind, and focus on being at peace. Do not open your eyes. Stay in this pose for 3-6 minutes (you can go longer when you are better at it and feel comfortable doing so).

Meditation is a great tool to relax you, prep you for your spells or rituals, build your energy, and put you at peace.


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Last edited on Aug 03, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is incomplete, but it is the bare bones of meditation. Do not worry about how long you are meditating, nor shutting off all thought. Find a comfortable place to sit, take a few deep breathes, then gently close your eyes. The key is to let your thoughts flow past instead of latching onto one and following it. Focus on your breath if it is difficult for you to ignore your thoughts. Above all, there is no wrong way to meditate. If you are sitting quietly, if you are relaxed, you are meditating.

May 06, 2022
Is it ok if you're lieing down instead?

May 06, 2022
If you are comfortable, you can lie down. The only concern is falling asleep. But you can lie down. Meditation is about being present. You could meditate while washing dishes, walking, or sitting with a cup of tea. The goal is to be in the here and now and not worrying about the future, or dwelling on the past.

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