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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Weightloss
A spell to help you lose weight

Casting Instructions for 'Weightloss'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A pink candle
  • A yellow candle
  • Jasmine incense
  • Olive oil
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A pink candle
  • A yellow candle
  • Jasmine incense
  • Olive oil

This spell should be performed during the waning phase of the moon. Firstly anoint the candles with the olive oil. Start with the white candle and then the yellow. The pink candle should be anointed at the end. Begin to coat the oil starting at the bottom and going downwards all the way in one go. Coat all the candles in this fashion.

Decide on how many pounds of weight you want to shed and divide it by three. Carve the number on each candle. If you want to lose fifteen pounds, you need to carve out the number 5 on each of the candles. If it is an odd number divide the number in such a way that each candle has only very slight variation.

Once this is done, set up an altar on a flat surface. Light the white candle and place it at the center. To the left of the white candle, place the yellow one and to the right of the white candle, place the pink one. Cast a circle around the candles and light the incense. Jasmine incense can be used for women and Patchouli incense can be used for men. Then light the candles and meditate upon them. Visualize that you are having the excess weight banished from your body.

Have another glass cup inserted with a wick. As the white, yellow and pink candles burn, pour out the wax into this cup. In this way you will be able to make a new candle. Burn this new candle everyday until you lose the desired number of pounds.


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Last edited on Oct 07, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Third time I've seen this spell [this might be my favourite version of it] be sure to visualize how you will accomplish the goal and all the positives that come from it. Above all, improve your diet and exercise routine or else this spell won't work. [side note: I do recommend trying this spell, I'm just adding notes to increase your chances of success. I think it does work, but not as most expect]

A fine spell to set intention, but you need to put forth the effort to lose the weight.

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