Powerful Hex

SpellsSpiritual  ► Revenge  ► Powerful Hex
Completely and utterly ruin every aspect of the life of the target.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Baneful intent
  • A writing utensil
  • a wooden or cardboard box
  • A photo of the the target with his/her name and birth date written on the back
  • 2 yards of black ribbon
  • 2 Chicken feet
  • A tool to dig with
  • A grave yard to bury to box
  • A knife or pair of scissors

Casting Instructions for 'Powerful Hex'


Fore note: I would like to start off by mentioning that this hex is quite complex and dives into multiple different concepts of 
Magick. A beginner can use this to great effect, but I advise learning more about basic concepts of magick first.

Step 1: Go to the graveyard with all of the required ingredients and recite the following; 

“Itz rachu mantantu vespacha kaltamu
Itz ranta mant kala mant atzu belt tazu
Vaskalla itz rachu kantantu velchatza” 

this will give you a strong connect to powerful magickal energies

Step 2: Cut 1/3 of the black ribbon and use it to tie both of the chicken feet to the back of the photograph of your target.
While doing this, imagine the strife being wrought throughout every facet of your target's life and recite the following; "I call
forth, with the power vested in me, all of the dark forces and spirits that hear me. Alash Tad Al-Ash Tal Ashtu (this initiates
and binds the spirit or force to your will to destroy the target)! I command you to sew chaos, destruction, disease, and ruin
throughout all facets of my enemy's life. Bring upon him/her unimaginable tortures so that his/her will to live may falter and
be brought to the most horrid, painful death imaginable. Alash Tad Al-Ash Tal Ashtu!"

Step 3: place the bundle into the box and tie it shut with the remaining length of ribbon. As you do this, imagine that you are 
placing the mangled, tortured body of the target in the box and recite the following until you find it hard to focus on your 
target anylonger (this further fortifies the hex and imbues the spirit with vengeance against your enemy); 

“I’chalaz Itz’rechel
Ahn’tal Ah’tan’tel
Me Vaskalla Pert’ent’itzu”

Step 4: Dig a 3 foot deep hole large enough to fit the box and place it in. Remember to imagine the you are burying your target,
as this further strengths it's link to the target and recite the following until all of you can't focus on the target anymore; 
"Alash Tad Al-Ash Tal Ashtu!"
this further strengthens the binding on the spirit to do your biding.

Step 5: Cover the box with the dirt from the hole and walk away from it, making sure that you do not look back on it. This allows
you to trust that the spirit begins and follows through with it's work. Care only about the result and don't focus on the fact 
that you did the ritual
. Move on with life as your enemy will no longer be able to work against you in any way, shape, or form
anylonger. Enjoy the peace.

Added to on Dec 15, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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