Quick Hex

SpellsSpiritual  ► Revenge  ► Quick Hex
A very simple very easy hex (it doesn't last long)

Casting Instructions for 'Quick Hex'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A piece of 3x3'' paper (any small piece of paper really)
  • A leaf of poison ivy
  • A rubber band or piece of string
  • A pair of thick gloves (for protection)
  • A match or lighter
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A piece of 3x3'' paper (any small piece of paper really)
  • A leaf of poison ivy
  • A rubber band or piece of string
  • A pair of thick gloves (for protection)
  • A match or lighter
Write the person's name of which you plan to hex on the piece of paper.

Pick up the poison ivy (make sure you are wearing those gloves) and lay it on the paper over their name.

Careful to have the entire leaf of poison ivy on the paper roll up the paper.

Take the rubber band or string and bind the paper so it doesn't come unrolled.

Hold the paper over a lake or stream (anywhere with a good bit of water) and use the lighter or match to set the paper a flame.

Drop it immediately before you get burned into the water.


WARNING: This is a hex, it falls under the impractical black magick category and it DOES have concequences. Before doing this spell make sure you are willing to take those concequences. Reading this spell means you agree that it is not my (Britty_55) fault of what those concequences may be so DO NOT complain to me about them.


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