Artemis Goddess Protection Spell

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SpellsTrick  ► Banishing  ► Artemis Goddess Protection Spell
Too keep all evil away from you , protects you from hexes , evil demons , spirts, bad and negative energys ,and all evil forces,etc. suppose too protected you for life.

Casting Instructions for 'Artemis Goddess Protection Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 packs of Frankinsense
  • 1 pack of basil
  • 1 pack of sage
  • 1 cauldron
  • 1 silver candle
  • 1 white candle
  • Cast a circle before doing this spell and when finish this spell close circle.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 packs of Frankinsense
  • 1 pack of basil
  • 1 pack of sage
  • 1 cauldron
  • 1 silver candle
  • 1 white candle
  • Cast a circle before doing this spell and when finish this spell close circle.

Cast a circle first before doing this spell, circle will aid you in spell.

Burn the white candle untill it is used completely ,burn the candle thoughout the whole 1st week.
 While burning the white candle through out the whole week chant every day.



"I invoke you Artemis asking you for powerful protection, and hoping you would guide me even through my darkness days, I invoke you Artemis Goddess of light, asking for protection and insight, I ask that you protected me and send all evil too a dark place, I invoke you Artemis and ask for protection from all the sources necessary, of your grace and power too protected me and send the evil towards the darkness,a place where can never return, and hurt, touch, or grab a hold of me, So shall this be."


Burn the silver candle until it is used completely, burn out through the 2nd week of the spell.
The 2 week, burn the basil and sage in a large cauldron burn up too a week.
while burning the silver candle chant everyday the second part of the spell for 1 week.

Then Chant:


"I need your help artemis I invoke thee I ask that you swiftly remove all evil from me and around me, I ask artemis that you shine ever so brightly, so that my enemies may see you, I invoke you artemis, asking you not just for your indivual help, in this matter but for everlasting protection for myself, so mote it be."


After spell is completed burn frankinsense 3 sticks per day .
 When frankinsense is finished spell is completed and then close circle that you casted earlyer on in the spell.

by: modelavery


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Last edited on Dec 30, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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