If you charge energy into your body, you will feel warm. Magikal energy usually makes you feel warm, especially if you are connecting with a fire elemental for this energy. It will require more than saying the above chant. You will need to practice before it becomes as easy as saying this chant and nothing else. Since this is in the fire spell section, I will assume you are calling on a fire elemental or the fire element in this spell.
Begin by meditating by a flame. This could be a log fire, a candle, a video of fire, or an electric candle. It represents the element, so it will work with any form of fire, just be safe. I recommend sitting and observing the fire. If you can visualize a fire in your mind, you can meditate with your eyes closed, but it is up to you. When you are ready to try the chant, charge your body with the Magikal energy from the fire as you say the chant. Use whatever imagery works best for you, personally, I would imagine embers coming from the fire and being absorbed into me. As the embers fill my body, I would imagine a fire burning within me and getting hotter as it grows. As you chant, the fire should burn brighter and hotter within you.
With practice, you will not need to fire, meditation, or visualization. You should be able to say the above chant and conjure the energy almost instantly. Also, personal note, I would omit the also warm up those I touch line as it does not flow and sounds like an afterthought. I would either add another line or repeat first two lines. You can transfer energy to someone or something by touching them. You can do the above energy charge on yourself, then touch your friend and imagine/feel the energy traveling through your hand and into their body.
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