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Original Post:
by: Chameleon on Nov 13, 2008

I am young, though not a child. I have an old soul and have met many people that have taught me amazing things about the occult. I grew up in Arizona most of my life. I moved around a lot. I was born in the east coast, am of european ancestry, gypsy magic is in my blood, but I have learned alot through my young years. My family works with occult as well as other 'front' businesses for the government. Out of the way in arizona, and near NM, I got to play in the testing area and see and hear what all went on. it was an experience. I can not claim one specific religion. I have many in my past. I had a past life regression done when I was 14. I am historically a romantic, and my...symbol I suppose, is the lovely red apple. It is just something that has played out in all my past lives significantly so it is sentimental I suppose, besides the fact that the apple incloses a star. pretty neat. I thought it was awesome.
I was fortold to be a healer, and saved many animals, but the thought of possibly losing human life or even animal lives has steered me away from the physical elements of healing. Now I am a writer. I have been writing since I was 12 or so. I had three completed works by the time I was 15, though they were burned traumatically in a fire. All is lost and I cannot rewrite them though I have been attempting recently.
So. Why am I here?
To be honest, I have been looking into my own spell book for some time now. My book of shadows was torched in the aformentioned fire and I have felt, after some persecution, that it was best to keep everything memorized. Proficient in caligraphy, I decided it would be good to start writing them all down.
I decided I wanted to write my book in ancient ingredients, as I am fond of all things historical in value. I think it is a tribute to keep old ways. So here I am, looking for lists of conversions of old and new ingredient terms. I saw a forum about 'PROVE YOU KNOW MAGIC' basically posted by PKB and, being bored and a little defensive of an ancient art and universe of knowledge that always ties up loose ends, I thought I would put in my two cents and give the kid a warning.
I know PKB wont listen, but it never hurts to try. Kids dabble and kids get hurt, and it is the inbetween that defines the magic they become. but lets face it, PKB isnt magic. Video games have given him fanciful ideas that don't involve him getting beat up on the playground.

That is me. I chose the name Chameleon because it has been my magic name since i was 14, given to me when I became, for a short time, a High Priestess in a mountain coven. I have since strayed away from this, following life changing events. I don't particularly like the details of my first coven, as I was fourteen and I am not proud of the magic that was done. However, now I am well aware that there is not a good or bad magic, only a good or bad practitioner. I am balanced, but concious of karma never the less. I invite questions, I mean, who doesn't like talking about themselves! Seriously though, I appreciate questions, I try to give subjective input and advice. I am always looking for persons to just chat with as well. While I am not looking to become apart of a coven again just yet, I am interested in conecting with like minded people. So it is nice to meet everyone!!! And anyone that know the destinction between teh pagan and wiccan culter, I would love a refresher! Thanks again!