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Original Post:
by: TheHealer82 on Nov 15, 2008

I want to see if I understand this correctly...frankly, I'm not sure I do and my readings are leaving me a tad confused. Nay, not confused. Searching for something more.

Chaos magick is energy that has been and always will be. No color to it, simply available to use for your intentions. It has no path to follow or belief to hold, but the practitioner can for a moment believe in dieties for their will and discard them back to where the thought sprang without looking back and holding no more belief in them.

Choas magick does not have the laws of Karma binding the practitoner. You are alone and responsible for your actions. However, every action has a reaction. Not karma I don't know how to describe it.

I'm totally plagerizing spots here, but the way it was written...I can't come up with any better way to put it.

So, if I understand this..Chaos magick has no limits. It has no ropes binding it to one way of thinking or using. It takes no sides so to speak.

Is Chaos magick the same magick that everyone uses then? I is energy, it's up to you how, if you choose to, label it and use it. Or is Chaos magick a seperate type completely untapped by many?

Are the deities one would "borrow" so to speak a creation of others thoughts and beliefs and the practitoner of Chaos Magick simply borrows that energy? I've held the idea that if you believe in a deity enough, you give it energy to be. Not to say you are creating that deity, but that it has been and you are simply....feeding it. I frequently use the names of different deities. Not necessarily having faith that they are the "ones" but simply that, to some extent, they simply are. Am I even making sense right now?

I see reflections of the Chaotes practicings in my practices to an EXTENT. A small extent I should add, atleast with some reguard to the use of dieties. I tend to over analyze...and that's what I'm doing now because it comes off simple and for some reason, my brain doesn't like simple.

I have more questions....but I want to see if I am understanding what I am reading thus far.