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Forums -> General Info -> Re: i am hurt and offended
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Original Post:
by: PrinceZuko5 on Nov 29, 2008

Why is it that people are constantly abusing the christian wiccans, and the curius christians? I am personaly a christian that has found ways to practice magick without it contredicting my beleifs like astral projection, meditaion, and psi. I see christians all the time come to this site and are emidiately pushed away because they are christians. I have made many freinds here and i dont judge anyone without first getting to know them and half the time i dont even judge at all. I have read forums where wiccans ask questions about christianity and others reply to these forums by saying and i quote "its just a fairy tale" or "I beleive the bible belongs in the fantasy section of the library" Yet ironicaly it is the books on Demons, Vampires, Fairys, Lepracauns, Dragons to name a few that are in the fantasy section and I know as well as everyone here that these things are real. Christians dont come here saying that "it is all fake and you all belong in a mental home". No, they come hear with open hearts and ears eager to learn or at least make a few freinds. Because i am a christian i have made enemys here because people simply dont like the fact that i am a christian.
People still hold grudges about the witch trials and the inquisition.THAT WAS A COUPLE HUNDRED YEARS AGO! I understand that many a fine witch and wizard/ warlock died but that was the catholics. the only reason they even put "kill the witch" in the bible was because they blamed witches for droughts and famines that were plagueing the land at the time. In truth that goes against everyting that christianity stands for. Jesus ate dinner with the outcasts, he diddnt burn them at the stake. i dont think it is fair that we are persicuted for something our ancestors did. We dont do that and i personaly want to roundhouse kick every single one of those clergy in the mouth that ever burned a witch .because you people are my freinds not my enimies.
I better get some damn good replies to this posting because it was a lot ofwork to write this kikass speach. so W/B