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Original Post:
by: User35192 on Dec 30, 2008

Magickal Sewing: Assembling the Magick

Choosing Fabric for Magickal Use
Just like stones, colours, incenses, and herbs, different fabrics have different energies. Consider the type of energy flow necessary for the magickal project you have in mind. Should the energy flow unobtrusively and smoothly in a continuous motion? Would an assertive energy that rises to to a peak, then levels out be better? If you were going to sew a dressy outfit to calm a hyperactive child, for instance, a smooth, silky fabric might be most magickally effective. A thick, nubby tweed would more than likely defeat your purpose, because that texture lends itself to activity. Listed here are a few types of fabrics with textural guidelines for magickal workings.
BROCADE is a perfect fabric to use for prosperity spells and financial gain. It smacks of royalty, riches, and plenty.

CORDUROY is much like velvet in magickal vibration, but because of the ribs in its weave, more activity is present. Use corduroy when immediate, rather than gradual, change is necessary.

COTTON fabrics such as percale, calico, voile, oxford cloth, broadcloth, and poplin are smooth and passive in texture; they are useful for spells requiring a soft touch. Those cottons with a nubbier feel--such as piqu?, terry cloth, chenille--have an active textural vibration. Cotton fabrics are suitable for any spellworking, but the energy of the fibre is more subtle than that of other appropriate fabrics.

EYELET can be used in magickal workings intended for joy, happiness, and youthful pleasures. They "eyes" also give added protection against the evil eye.

FELT is another fabric that has superb properties of insulation and it is recommended for almost any magickal project because it holds the energies of the enchantment beautifully. It is an excellent choice for poppets and magickal supply cases, and because it does not ravel, much of the finish work normally required in sewing is unnecessary. Felt usually comes in solid colours, but embroidery or beadwork may be added to create active vibrations for any spell.

HOMESPUN fabrics bustle with activity, but the thick-and-thin quality of the texture is also excellent in sealing relationships of every kind. Its qualities include tenacity, endurance, and strength.

LINEN has a crisp texture that makes it useful in efforts requiring quick and definite change. There is nothing subtle about the feel of linen. Use fine handkerchief linen when working with complicated transitions; it helps in smoothing away difficulties. Nubby, suit-weight linen (especially in black) works beautifully for efforts involving quick and painless separation.

Satin soothing to the touch and promotes the qualities of beauty, harmony, and peace of mind.

SILK provides a strong, insulative fabric. Because shantung and douppioni are nubby, their textures are active, while the energies of smoother silk fabrics, such as charmeuse and China silk, are fluid and passive in personality. Because it was originally intended for cocoons, silk fabric is an excellent choice for efforts involving protection.

TWEED is a fabulous texture to use when a project requires a lot of activity. It is excellent for boosting energy--magickal, creative, physical, and so on.

VELVET is a good choice for workings involving love and romance. Though its texture is smooth, the nap of the fabric lends itself to motion. This fabric brings warmth to any project. It is terrific for efforts involving smooth change, making it an excellent choice for breaking bad habits.

WOOL fabrics come in a variety of textures and, like silk and felt, hold the property of insulation. The protective vibrations of wool are looser than those of silk. Wool allows positive energies to flow in while holding negative energies at bay. For projects requiring a soft touch, try wool crepe or challis. A thicker fabric used for outerwear, such as melton or gabardine, is more useful in efforts where heavy protection is an issue.
Whether or not you choose to employ synthetic or synthetic-blend fabrics for personal use is up to you. Polyester, for example, literally means "many esters." The "esters" to combine to form polyester are fibrous strings of plastic that can be bonded to natural fibre to add strength. Many polyester fabrics incorporate recycled plastic. Polyester is available in many textures. Employing synthetics within the scope of your magickal project does not hinder the spellworking, and can help clean up the environment. On the other hand, you may prefer natural fibres, particularly if you are sewing an item that you will be wearing. Make the best choice for you.

Fabric pattern is just as important as texture, for the pattern often depicts built-in symbols. Printed and woven-in patterns vibrate toward activity, while solid colours relate to a slow, deliberate, and fluid motion. Go ahead and use calico for passive projects if your intuition moves you to do so; although solid colours are generally better suited for passive endeavours, a small, evenly distributed, and unobtrusive print may prove very successful for some non-aggressive projects.

Notions Set the Magick in Motion
Fabric selection aside, perhaps the most important task in any sewing project is pinning and cutting out the pattern. As you pin the pattern pieces in place, chant something like:
Little pins of steel and light!
Hold each piece with strength and might--
Pierce this fibre in and out--
And infuse with magick 'round about!
Any tailor or seamstress will tell you that a sharp pair of scissors is imperative for successful sewing, because a clean cut along the pattern line is a big help in straight seaming. Incidentally, scissors are sacred to Kali the Destroyer. Carefully cut out the pattern pieces one by one, enchanting each by saying:
Oh tool of sharpness, tool of steel!
Form these pieces of my spell.
The edges of their shapes, please seal,
So they will fit together well!
When the pieces are pinned and snipped to shape, you are finally ready to sew. It is a good idea to enchant the first stitch of every step of any magickal project, so as you begin, try this chant or one of your own construction:
Oh piercing needle, that which gleams!
[Your intention] is the reason for this spell.
Weave its purpose through these seams,
And bind it thoroughly and well.

The most overlooked magickal needlecraft tool is the sewing machine. With a magick all o fits own, the machine interlocks two threads as the needle moves up and down through the cloth, making a perfect representation of the Goddess and the God. This interlocking action strengthens seams, which in turn adds strength to the magick. Because the machine's stitches are straight and evenly distributed, magick flows in a more focused, even stream. A tool devised of many tiny parts that move in perfect harmony toward effectiveness could be nothing less than magickal.

Straight Pin Folklore
Finding a straight pin nowadays isn't all that big of a deal, unless it is stuck in the carpet where you were about to put your foot. But in fact, such pins were once prized treasures. They were difficult and expensive to make and buy, and so a woman's "pin money" was important. Therefore, finding a pin would indeed have been good luck. To leave one lying on the ground would be akin to walking past money. Consider also the solemn oath sworn on pain of sticking a "needle in your eye." Here are two rhymes about straight pins.
See a pin and pick it up,
All the day you'll have good luck.
See a pin and let it lay,
Bad luck you'll have all that day.
Pin, pin, bring me luck.
Because I stop to pick you up.
Find a pin and let it lie,
You shall want before you die.
See a pin and let it lie,
Before the night you will cry.
If you find a pin, you are supposed to put it in your collar or lapel and wear it as long as you can. Alternatively, you can perform some pin-wishing magick. Making sure the pin is pointing towards you, pick it up with your right hand and stick it into the left shoulder of your clothing while making your wish. After you've worn the pin a while, give it away to someone or else the wish won't come true. And be forewarned, some people believe that a pin should never be approached or picked up by its point, but only by the head.

Knot Tying and Magickal Focus
A tug on the top thread of a machine-sewn seam brings the bobbin thread through to the surface, and leaves a means of tying any knots needed for enchantment or binding. Focus can be maintained with a simple chant that corresponds to the purpose of the project. For example, when working on a project for financial prosperity, you might chant something like:
Money come and fill my pot!
Increase wealth with every knot!
Sewing by hand is magickal, too, and guiding the needle as it pieces the cloth is a terrific way to focus on a spellworking. In hand-sewing, know tying takes on a slightly different feel; because the needle requires threading more often, there is more opportunity for sealing magick into the project. Try the following chant:
I bind this portion of my spell
With steel and fibre tied so tight.
Hold these handmade stitches well,
Contain their magick and their might.
Another binding method is to work each thread end into the others four times and chant:
Maiden, Mother, Horned One, Crone,
Let this work be bound with patience and love.
When tying multiple knots, as in making fringe or tassels for a magickal project, you may wish to use the following chant. Concentrate on the purpose for the enchantment and chant one line while knotting each strand:
By knot of ONE, the spell's begun
By knot of TWO, it cometh true
By knot of THREE, so mote it be
By knot of FOUR, this power I store
By knot of FIVE, the spell's alive
By knot of SIX, this spell I fix
By knot of SEVEN, events I'll leaven
By knot of EIGHT, it will be fate
By knot of NINE, what's won is mine

Giving Mundane Articles Magickal Flavour
The number of sewing projects that you can imbue with magick is limitless. Magickal endeavours that immediately come to mind are ritual robes, altar cloths, amulet bags, and cloth covers for the Book of Shadows. What about instilling magick in ordinary sewing projects as well? Consider the following ideas.
Items such as fabric dinner napkins and placemats may be charged to lend a feeling of warmth and welcome to all who use them.
Spells to alleviate fear and to promote courage may be stitched into clothing for a child's first day at school.
Camouflage clothing for the hunter may be dedicated to Diana and consecrated specifically for safety and success.
A handmade stuffed animal could be blessed with protective qualities and used as a guardian for the home or for a child's room.
Slip covers, curtains, dish towels, tea cozies, and basket cloths are all projects that lend themselves to spellwork.
The list is endless--if you can sew it, you can enchant it.