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Original Post:
by: GraemePryce on Mar 23, 2008

Hi, My name is Graeme and I live in the northwest of England and am in my twenties.

I've always had a very deep interest in phenomena and the unexplained and I really do believe there are far more things and forces on the earth than we can ever hope to understand.

I'm a pretty rational person but have had some strange experiences, beginning when I was about 18. I lived in a very old house (110+ years) and woke up in the night once to find a strange sort of image of another room around me. It was like I was in the ghost of what my room had once been. It was far darker than it should have been, a candle was flickering somewhere and an old fashioned bicycle was leaning against the wall opposite my bed which felt cold and damp. I had not been drinking or anything and could not believe my eyes. I got up and stood in the centre of the room and it slowly diminished back to what it should have been, though I had been sort of able to see the image of my own room through the 'ghost room' all along. Was this an incident of time travel maybe?

I have spotted 3 UFO's in my time though never a classic saucer shape one which sort of disappoints me!

I also recently glanced out of my window and for a second or two saw a 1st world war Biplane which quickly melted away to nothing. I believe this was a ghost as I know this area did have one of the first airfields of that kind in WW1.

So to spells - I like to think I do have some magical power. I once used a love spell that seemed to make a person who had previously shown little interest in me suddenly want to spend a lot of time with me. This person began to stare at me a lot and touch me on every possible occasion and eventually kissed me. As is the nature of such things though, it was against this persons natural will and it did not become the love of my life but the change in behaviour was so sudden and strong it really did convince me that you CAN influence a persons behaviour if you have enough belief in your power.

I'm very interested in discussing this issue with anyone and would be very honoured to be asked into a coven. All comments are welcome!