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What is Reiki?
As Mikao Usui said, ?It is love, harmony, and healing energy.? .
Mikao Usui developed Reiki-ho as ?the way to make mind and body healthy on the basis of Universal Reiki?. Reiki is not only a wonderful ?healing technique?, but also ?an effective way to raise spirituality and to create a positive life?. The Reiki practitioner?s body is the instrument through which the energy flows drawn by the magnet of any imbalance in the mind, body, or spirit of the person, animal, or plant receiving. Clients might speak of feeling a gentle heat from the practitioner?s hands going deep within,but warmth is only one sensation that may or may not be experienced.
Reiki is easy to learn, but being a spiritual practice, it requires cultivation of the mind, and the development of one?s spirituality. It is not connected to any religion, but complements all religions. It heals from the core of the illness, not masking symptoms, whether the person?s believes it will or not. A person?s profession, education level, sex, age, spiritual beliefs, or ethnic background, do not affect the flow of the energy.Reiki allows an increase of mental clarify and emotional balance. It purifies karma and heals in all types of trauma. It can transcend time and space. No worry has to be given to harm coming from it. Reiki will only flow when needed, and will never give a negative reaction with any prescribed medication, or require a person to drink extra water, as with massage. Meaning that while one should not neglect to care for the mind, body, or spirit in the best way, Reiki will not create a need. It revitalizes life energy, awakening and enhancing the healer within.
Reiki did not exist anywhere prior to 1921. Over the centuries, there have been countless forms of hands-on healings. Using universal energy to heal goes back perhaps 40,000 years, and today there are other energies channeled. Reiki-ho is the name Mikao Usui gave to the system he developed, using the vibration of love and harmony. Changes in techniques to his system can be seen as far back as Hayashi Reiki Kenkyukai. Each Reiki Master that changes the system he or she has learned renames the system,so as not to dishonor the original teacher.
It is commonly believed that Mikao Usui was spiritually awakened while fasting on Mt. Kurama in March 1921. He connected to the universal energy, naming it Reiki.
That same year he established the society Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, and in April 1922 established an institution for instruction and treatments. He was born August 15, 1865, left home in his youth, traveled, married and had two children,held numerous jobs, and passed away in his sleep after a long day giving treatments, March 9th, 15th year of Taisho (A.D. 1926). There are no records of him receiving a doctrine, or who decided ?Dr.? should be placed in front of his name. I was taught Sensei is ?honorable teacher?, so I am content to use that.
His secular name is Usui Mikao, and his Buddhist posthumous name is Reizan-in Shuyo Tenshin Koji. A Buddhist priest of the temple where the deceased used to belong customarily gives a person upon death, a Buddhist posthumous name. His Buddhist name is typical of the Japanese Buddhism sect Jodo shu. Interviews with Buddhist nuns that cared for Usui-Sensei question where his awakening took place, and legends are plentiful, but the natural healing beauty of the energy he named Reiki overshadows all.
There are more facts surrounding Usui-Sensei, and those few he raised to the Shinpiden level, but here there is only room to cover the peaks of the mountains.An attunement, opening one?s channel, inviting one into the light, a transformation, or empowering a person, have all the same meaning. An attunement can only be given by a person that has reached the level allowing her or him to be a Teacher. A healing crisis, or shift, happens within the mind, body, or spirit at a time that is right for that person, following an attunement. This takes various forms, such as after performing a Reiki shower, repeating the Gokai, and doing Hatsurei-ho, the day takes shape in a bright fresh way not before experienced.
Once a person?s channel has been opened, the ability is never lost. Continued practice allows Reiki to flow in a pure stronger way, and it can flow into everyday things such as water. Concentration is not needed, but relaxing and not letting the mind get in the way are essential. To think, I want to heal that person, animal, or plant, is a loving thought, but the ?I? blocks the flow of Reiki. Reiki can never be directed to an illness, or given to anyone, as it is universal energy belonging to no one.
Usui-Sensei created symbols early in his teachings because some people had difficulty in understanding energy without something visual they could connect to it. Reiki teachers changing his system, have created their own symbols. Today there are over 300 Reiki symbols used worldwide. This abundance of symbols does not increase the strength of the energy, but helps students identify all the various ways in which Reiki can heal.
Different symbols representing elements of the same whole can easily be reflected by the different symbols used for love. The symbols are not secret, as represented by the symbol often referred to as one of the master symbols, appearing on walls of many of the temples in Japan, for all to
see. Symbols are tools often called training-wheels. Reiki like a bicycle often requires training-wheels when learning to ride. The more a person practices they become the balance, and the training-wheels are no longer needed. Unlike train-wheels, symbols are sometimes used when it feels right, because Reiki-ho has guidelines as opposed to strict rules. The kotodamas attached to each symbol are sometimes chanted or sung.
Then we move to the hand positions created over the years. Reiki travels to where the need exists regardless of symbols or where hands are placed, and like water through a garden hose spills into other cells it passes through. Byosen Reikan-ho releases the need for standard hand positions, but each practitioner may develop a system that is comfortable for them. Most practitioners share the practice of sweeping their hands down, cleaning the aura of the client before and following a session. During post session cleansings a shiver of excitement from either the practitioner or client might spontaneously happen if the removal of a block, that has been released, is felt. Various tools and energies have been blended with Reiki, creating numerous styles. Some commonly used tools include acupressure, crystals, mudras, chakra healing, light body, herbs, guided journeys, and tarot cards.
When one reaches into the collection of tools gathered there is a tingle as the heart, mind, and soul form a triangle to express the pure white light of love and harmony, healing in new ways. It is never necessary, or harmful, to learn different styles of Reiki. Different combinations can be an excellent synergy in one situation and yet inappropriate in another.
The Gokai, five admonitions, five precepts, or the principals are all names of the backbone of Reiki-ho. It is repeated in hundreds of ways, but all reflect the state of just for today no anger, no fretful worry,expressing thanks, being diligent in work, and extending kindness to all. Study of the Gokai gives understanding to even the strength of today.
Techniques vary greatly. Some such as Reiju, depend upon a pure connection and intent, and are only taught to those reaching the highest level of whichever style of Reiki is studied. Reiju?s meaning can be broken down as giving or accepting (ju) a spiritual property or knowledge (rei). The Reiju used by the Gakkai is said to be based on the original form in which Usui-Sensei opened others? channels to the light.The form of Reiju used by the Gakkai is shared only within the society itself, but some members, such as Hiroshi Doi, teach a form they have created.
Reiki may sound complicated with so many people introducing so many different things into their practice, but it is not. The wonderment of the universal energy Usui-Sensei named Reiki resonates with life energy, enhancing everything positive one does in their life, and works in harmony with other positive energies.
Often courses are taken for a skill that can bring a return of money. Reiki is a spiritual path we travel for our own growth. It enhances skills, and can bring wealth in many forms. Medical care professionals often have their channels opened to enhance their work. Fees are asked for treatment sessions and attunements, as each person?s time is valuable, and receiving something when giving nothing in return dishonors the person receiving.
The barter system sometimes works well with Reiki.Are there people in the world that have read a book or watched a video, and know the subject well enough to pretend they have had their channel opened? There will always be pretenders in the world, but any person having had their channel opened will have at least one certificate, and easily be able to give their energy and technique lineages back to Usui-Sensei.
Everyone is born with the right to be healthy, and live with happiness, and the path of Reiki helps us to fulfill that right.