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Original Post:
by: bocaj3 on Jun 21, 2008

Dark shadows sped across the land.The moon reveling nothing.The shadows followed the path of a young angel.The angel looked up playing her harp.the darkness lifted showing demons of pure hell.she cried a beautiful cry that would lul any unforbiding soul into a trance of peace.The creatures showed emotion for the first time in ther hell ridden lives.The overwhelming feeling of love and vainity showering the landscape in light and affection.The demons cryed a mournful cry as beautiful as the first.Creatures of light decended from the heavens to join in with the chorus of cries.The wailing awoke the inner life of the earth,the crust cracking and breaking leaking the ife force within.dissolving all hatred and evil beings.The world stopped spinning just for one moment of love and peace.Demonic beings screached as the holy song broke their darkness shattering hells gates and invading all corners of satans sanctuary.lucifer himself hid from the sound of light feeling love for the first time almost broke his body in two.

hell sat there broken and its own gates hung off its hinges.The towers of flames that once blasted had long been snubbed out.
The earth stayed still light flowing everywhere,no shadows where made and god him self decended from heaven to see the body of lucifer it self being burried for the last time.
The world was now free of evil,Adam and Eve never took the apple, humans never felt pain as they knew it was perfect.