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Forums -> General Info -> Re: help!
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Original Post:
by: celly914 on Jul 07, 2008

well my problem is last year on august 17th 2007 i stopped smoking im was 13yrs old(yea i kno a lil young to b smoking)but now 1 year has almost been up of being smoke free but im having urges really bad urges i haven so far but they keep getting stronger and 1 reason is beacuse i only stopped smoking because of my mom and now that its almost been a year shes been accusing me of smoking every day and sometimes i get so upset ill cry 1nce in a while and i feel like shes pushing me into smoking again so i think in my head i should just smoke again instead of get hollared at and get in trouble for doing something that i really do and i need opinions on what i should do and if ne1 thinks i should start smoking again could u give me some ways not to get caught bcuz im freakin losin my mind here im LOSING it!!!