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Forums -> Introduce Yourself -> Re: Greetings from the Uk
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Original Post:
by: Triquilla on Jan 28, 2015

Sorry about that guys I needed to 're-post'.

Iv'e been on a spiritual journey my entire life and I think a lot of people are generally, sometimes we can go through faith changes and phases but ultimately they are all leading to the same destination.

I am the priestess of the Sacred Trinity, a small coven based in our local community. Although our traditions are secret, they are only in the sense that we incorporate a unique set of practices into our way of life so we are quite eletic, but we do observe a sacred path that dates back for thousands of years.

This is also my spellbook account so I don't really use the site to talk to others, unless it's members from my trinity or its in relation to a spell I've uploaded. TrikoNa and Triquertra are the other two members of my trinity, you can contact them on either of those accounts, so If they haven't said hello to you already, please don't be shy to message them any-time.

We are here to bring our peace and goodwill as a small coven, and to contribute to the site through spells , articles and to help and serve others in the forums. Sharing our knowledge with the wider occult community is something that would bring great joy to us and prosperity to members on this site.

Sorry for any confusion and thanks for reading.
