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Forums -> General Info -> Re: OK, A Prediction...
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Original Post:
by: Tails_T on Oct 03, 2008

I want to say theory, but last time I said that I was lectured. Dx

Anyways, ever since I've seen "Halbert Hears a Who" (the computer animated version) or whatever it's called (yeah, yeah, laugh because I saw the movie. Get it out of your systems.), I've been thinking... what if our universe is really just a tiny spec of dust on somebody's arm? And maybe, our molecules are itty-bitty universes with even more beings like us living in them. And that other universe gets smaller and smaller and smaller... and our universe on that person is even a SMALLER universe that's on another being, and another, and another, and another... For all we know, they could be the humans, and we're the abnormally small molecules!! And this also makes me think... there's even other universes. We could be next to another spec of dust which contains another universe, and it gets smaller in that one, and smaller, and smaller, and it keeps going and going. They say our universe goes on forever, but... what if it had an end? Or if it's just one large circle? Has anybody ever thought of this??