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Forums -> Magic Items -> Re: Dreamcatcher nightmares
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Original Post:
by: FlitePhantom on Jun 12, 2018

So I've had two dreamcatchers in my life and both have brought on nightmares. My general dreaming stopped in elementary school and I seem to only get them now when they mean something such as a shooting or bombing. These nightmares that have been starting seem different, like purely the strangeness of dreams and probably relates to personal things, I'm just not sure. It feels abnormal to have such bad dreams each time I have a dream catcher.

My first dreamcatcher I thought just had negative energy around it because 1). It was purchased 2). Person that bought it and I hate each other 3). That person or house has a curse and negative entities that show up. I'm pretty sure they stopped when it was taken down.

So with this new one it was made for me by a family member. I thought that having some love put into it might not cause the nightmares, but now I'm really stuck. I had the most brutal dream yet.

The nightmares have always been bloody, suffering, noisy, which are way different than any nightmares I ever had even as a kid. I've dreamed about death before but never with blood or injuries, more of just a fear or concept. One dream was about gore everywhere with chains and blood. Last night it was a tidepool setting, a dog (possibly mine) still alive with its ribs poking through the skin, bloody water everywhere, then a hospital with a guy whos infected eye is all yellow and bulging from his face.

I've searched online and focused as well as I can. I read on a post on here that nightmares from dreamcatchers have a meaning. I'm pretty lost on what these potential symbols mean. I want to take it down, but if these nightmares can have a benefit I wonder if its worth it to just deal with them. Is it abnormal for it to be this crazy, or bloody?
My biggest fear with this is a spiritual one. Are these possible signs of the negative entities I have to fight off extremely often now starting to win, or maybe them getting a better footing?

Thank you for the help!