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Forums -> Other Spells Discussion -> Re: Types of Spells
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Original Post:
by: User536336 on Sep 08, 2018

Hello, this is SpellWitch9,

I would like to share with you some of the types of spells and Incantation formats you can use to affect your own or outside spiritual energies.

First, Incantations. Incantation is a list of words such as a rhyme or a poem that rhymes in some form that triggers as a mantra in the human spiritual realm. What I mean by Spiritual realm is another form of awareness and another form of yourself.

Incantations and how to make them

An Incantation can be a prayer or an invocation of a being meaning a God, spirit, Faerie, or demon, or a force of nature.

Example !:

"I pray this way I pray for it to stay may love to be here this day, my goddess Aphrodite."

To break this down, the use of Aphrodite's name determined where the energy came from. The rhymewas the Intent and action of the spell.

Example 2:

" I pray thatthis day becomes better, oh Lord

How to Make Magic Words

Magick Words are a powerful form of spell that may take time to create. A Magick word is a tool used to express a intent as a Mantra or Sigil.

Example 1:

Intent: I am very self-aware.

Make it into all uppercase letters and remove grammar:


Then remove the vowels:


Then remove repeating Letters:


Then form it into a manageablesaying or order to say it in:


Then you are done with your magick word.

I hope this was helpful and enjoyable in your Magickaljourney,