El Shaddai - you may have already heard if this name
most people consider that the correct translation is "god almighty"
but a person which is familiar with a semitic language
may also see the connection with the plural word "shadai'im" which is literaly translated as "brests"
and in this case Shaddai can be translated as "?ne of the breasts"
just like Atherat (Canaanitian mother goddes and the wife of the chief-god El) is translated as "one of the womb"
you may be interested in knowing that the Hebrew word for "fate" (Emunah) is all so translated as "breast feeding"
now let's take a look at a very interesting verse from the book of Genesis in which it is said:
"[that was] from the god of your fathers, and he will help you, and with Shaddai. and will bless you with blessings of heaven from above, blessings of the deep crouching below, blessings of the breasts (shadai'im) and womb" (Genesis 49:25)
again we see a certain connection betwen the words!
Shaddai also used to be a name of a city in the ancient middle east as well as it is a name of a certein SemiticMesopotamian female deity!
you may allready heard of the whole vowel thing with the semitic language..so Shaddai is actually written as "sdi" and if you just take the letter "y" out of ther you will get "sd" or "shed" which is hebrew for "demon"
as I've allready mentioned Atherat means "one of the womb" and she is the wife of the god El (who is sometimes considered to be the god Cronus who is himself also married to the mother goddes and the father of ZeusJoveJupiterBaal (Baal is a title for the god Canaanitian god Hada wjo is by some associated with the angel satan) the word "el" in Hebrew simply means "a god" (ANY god abso El Shaddai d not "God" as the monotheists like to write) so El Shaddai could mean "breast god" or "god of a breast"!
you may be surprised to know that the name "El" is atributed to be one of the names of the jewish god yahJah (JHWH) and that Yah himself is associated by many scholars with the god El
some even suspect that it is used as a part of the name IsraEL
(as in
IS = Isis
RA = Ra
EL = El)
even thou he name of Isis in Hebrew sounds like "Eezis" and even more different in the ancient Egyptian language
in Hebrew means:
Isra = Warriorsomeone who is fighting
El = a male deity (or a personal name) (female for el - elah)
while the other kingdom - Yehudah (Judah) which is written in hebrew as "YHWDH" is taken from the tetragrammaton
you just take the "D" out and you will get the-you-know-what
it is the same with the word "Yehudi"(Hebrew for "Jewish" - YHDY)
it is importent to that some poeple link it with the word "Lehodot" (LHDOT) - Hebrew for giving thancks to someone for something!