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Original Post:
by: Demetria913 on Sep 28, 2019

I am a 40 year old married woman with 5 kids. I grew up Christian but strayed for a long time. In my 20's I was at my darkest moments. I should have been dead a few times already. But here I am none the less. It was in my darkest hour that I realized I needed faith of some sort. I bought a bible (because that's what I grew up with) and I bought a book on witchcraft because I've always felt drawn to it. I started with the bible because like I said that's what I actually sort of known and it was foreign to me. I could not really understand the way it was written. So I put it down and started on the witchcraft book. I don't remember what it was at the time but I knew I was hooked. I had found my calling. I tried to find other people in the craft and while I did find a few, I never really found the right ones so I practiced eclectically. Constantly buying books and online communities for knowledge. Then I started to have kids and something drew me back to the Christian faith. I gave up all my Wiccan ways and belongings. I am now catholic but as I find myself scattered and burned out and just questioning everything; I remember how I loved Wiccan but I also love Jesus. I think to myself if true Wiccans are only meant to do good things, how can it be bad. Why can't I practice both. So here I am trying to find my way, my faith, and a way to improve my life and the life of my family.

I put this in my BIO because i wasn't sure what to write. I don't know of any gifts, or abilities, I only know what ive been attracted to my whole life. While i do believe in magic; I don't think i have any powers. I know i've already been asked. I am looking for others to help me in my path and learn from them.