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Forums -> General Info -> Re: Life Isn't Fair, Hm?
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Original Post:
by: Tails_T on Oct 15, 2008

Dear people who think life ain't fair,

Well, you know what?

Life IS fair. It always is.

I'm sick of the people saying, "Oh life isn't fair get over it." IT IS. It ALWAYS is. Your enemy gets a car, you get nothing. Unfairness. Your enemy gets in a car crash, you still have nothing. Fairness. It always resolves itself out somehow.

You get $20 and your brother gets $25. Unfairness. You still have $20 and your brother loses $5. Fairness. Still resolving itself out.

You have to get glasses and your friend didn't. Unfairness. You figure out your friend has contacts. Fairness.

Everyday, something is resolved in fairness. Why? Because life is fair. It is and forever will be.

So next time, don't say, "Oh life isn't fair get over it."

Next time, say, "We can try to make life fair, you know."

TRY. TRYTRYTRYTRYTRY. It was finally ruin that dreadful adage that insults some of us and creates more unfairness to others. Use my phrase and you'll finally realize that it all resolves itself out.

~Tails Turrosaki