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Forums -> Fortune Telling -> Re: History & Basics of Tarot
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Original Post:
by: Lyza_Sage on Dec 10, 2020

I'm currently doing an in-depth study of tarot, just because I want to become more knowledgeable and practiced in my craft. I'm basically writing 5-10 page research papers on different topics involving tarot and each card within it. I'm currently working on my first topic, which I've broadly decided to call History & Basics of Tarot. Here's what I've included in my paper so far;

-History of tarot (where it came from, when, the first tarot decks)

-the four suits, what they are and their basic correspondences

- the ten "pips' what they are and their basic meanings

-the face cards what they are and their basic meaning

-The major arcana (as a list, maybe a fun fact or two about the fool)

- when and why did people start reading tarot?

- how does tarot work? (in general)

So here lies my questions:

What else would you like to see included in such an article? Do you know of any good tidbits of info I should also include? Should I reorder my topics? Any other questions/comments/concerns?
