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Original Post:
by: LaDorcha on Feb 26, 2022

One of the first thing's i learned that made out to be more for me than just making intentions real was you have to believe in what your doing. You are who you hang around, and your never obligated to be the person you were yesterday. You are obligated to have faith in your own mind, without a doubt knowing your going to get what you want. That is why belief is a tool for us, and an important lesson to always keep with you.

Energy is all around us, it doesn't honestly matter to me what people believe in and how they conjure up their personal power. Your science is your own, and energy is all around us so it's irrelevant to decipher which method works for you based on others own experiences. Visualization will be a useful aide in your energy work, as will meditation.

Meditation is not as scary and boring as it's cut out to be, and i do believe it is important. It teaches us to remain in the here and now, and it's in the here and now our work is done. Essentially your training your mind to be completelythought free in the present state. Sure it could take time, so what like body building you got to start somewhere and be consistent. Don't be hard on yourself, you got this.

Tool's are fun to create, consecrate, and aide us in our workings, but in my opinion tarot is the best of these tool's. Learning each of them personally you contemplate a single card a day. Rider-Waite has 78 cards consisting of the 22 major arcana, 22 also being the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet. The Lesser Arcana are associated with the ten sephirothin theTree of Life. Easy to see Kabbalistic roots associated with the symbolism of the deck. I was taught when consecrating my cards that it be done right before dawn on Mercury's Day or Wednesday. Mercury/Hermes is the God of magick and messenger to the God's. When a tool of power is created or consecrated he sends the news to the God's. Then starting with the major arcana you contemplate one card a day, taking 78 days of contemplation of your deck to learn its meanings.and keeping notes on each card. Other than divination, the cards can help you create alternatives to different outcomes, among other things.

Keeping record of your rituals, contemplations, dreams, visions, etc gives you an accurate record of what works with what. Day, time, method, mood, what your doing etc be as detailed as you can, your looking for your own pattern. Maybe you learned on Monday afternoon's your ability to transmute energy is more effective than Thursday when your in a bad mood because your boss sucks.

Silence is the last tool i will go on about today,we take language and conversation for granted these days. Silence of your craft is the sealing of it's creation. So once it's complete let it go, out of your thoughts, and remain silent while everything else places itself for you. With that said remember to be safe about what your doing, take your time researching and asking questions. Enjoy your journey because you truly want to enjoy the reward's without the need for other's approval or acceptance. We don't need validation or permission to be our better selves.

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