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Forums -> Misc Topics -> Re: Stonehenge
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Original Post:
by: Nekoshema on Jun 19, 2024

I'm not sure how many have heard yet about Stonehenge, but Stop Oil protesters vandalized it on June 19, which is right before Litha [AKA one of the major ritual days held at the site where Pagans gather to witness the solstice sunrise. This year it's June 21, so pretty sure that's now canceled] I'll link an article on it below. I wanted to let people know, also interested in people's opinions since I haven't found any Pagan articles on it yet [Though, I'm about to jump on TikTok and I'm fairly certain it'll be on there] They claim it was orange cornstarch, it won't damage the statue, and and will wash off in the rain. However, they're still testing to see if there was any damage.

Personally, I'm upset, partially the destruction of historic monuments, but mainly the disrespect to Pagan holy sites right before we gather to celebrate the solstice. I'm interested to see if the media touches on that fact, ignore it entirely, or turn it into a joke [I'm looking at you, Fox News. I still remember what happened last time]