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Forums -> Misc Topics -> Re: A drop for the aquinted.
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Original Post:
by: RagnarMekwek on Jul 13, 2024

It's become ridiculous as to have been steadily fed to now, through surrounding streams in life; with grandiose of which suggests tauntingly, that my works here in this world will someday bloom into a monolith of awe and echo outwardly. Constantly parallel on the other hand; By listening at random, hearing truly wise men in my moments, speak loudly of the dangers and harm by which is the illusion of grandeur, and how its represented through the self appointed, chosen leader and based in selfishness to its absolute, and inflicting harm. Whether it is harsh self doubt, or a mindful and healthy caution, it truly in my mind seems beyond impossible; What is watched in anticipation by our eyes, seeing stokes of flame and embers being fanned to raise a fading fire, almost desperate gusting currents nearly too much, and it by little, begins to scatter.

Svartalheim, I really rather not speak on it lest it be viewed as too indecent, including as being greatly misdirected not only surrounding this exploratory, but to make these words or any that come from my mouth regardlessly expressed; ever and completely invalid and grotesque. Its never faded as to know that I don?t. The validity which may very likely return in folds is something that should be held off; Its reveal being more shocking than profound and or enchanting. I will attest to Artindark's reply post; warning couldn't be expressed or described enough toward these tormentors. Ultimately what they offer comes back more than any worth price to pay. The anger felt for that realm will not be forgotten soon, and that had to be stated.

Haphazardly to explain away this 'sort of' spiritual protection that is gained;.. It is Divine-, but the entire spiritual familiatity through genuine consious growth is only the building blocks to be stepped on, which may hoist one high enough to simply ask and be granted protection. This combat, you could ask yourself whether this is often spoken of and when it arrives, who fights; What seems to be important is that time is unraveling, perhaps it is constricting; almost nervously;.. It could be alive like a person breathing, circulating and pumping their blood vessels, then renewed. This is all strange, and also sounds like something that's been told in the thousands of thousand times before. At this point it is unfathomable to even formulate what really happens and ridiculous to not admit that it is beyond myself, so much really that its as though i'm a flea among giants, and all focus is directed in admiration for something as insignificant for being simply present; rather than to be doing anything else!!...

On a couple final notes with that bit of needed drama out of the way, after unloading this whole, it was directly to address what's been posted years ago, attempting to cover it all, kind of like an update, it would likely be better described though as an additional entry, and inquiry about what sense is there to that of the nonsensical. These realms are hardly describable, many pathways appear in all sorts of forms for different approaches, and there are layers of how limitless or limited, direct or not these can be experienced or seen, and what may follow. Thankfully we can indeed come together and share marvelous wonders, and those who have here shared with me are among those who I could not be without, and the sweetest and lasting moments are the ones ever fleeting, but also undismissable, even if rarely recounted more than one time. From this post onward the direction is still unclear; what compelled me to have this written all now besides an implication or an attempt at simplicity? The will to continue the sharing of this story here, and perhaps gather insight by brillant people in places all around, if not like most to vanish into obscurity? What does or not come to fruition from here;.. Time doesn't just tell, it must confess eventually.

A final addition to not leave out. Vividly I stood behind this supposed ancestor where I perceived to be Muspell while separately being revealed details by something back then, existing in both places but completely different in aspect of experience, kind of hard to wrap my head around to explaining that. Since then, I've seen and known many ancestors in various places, but even they briefly spoke or uttered something, this guy just stared at me. Being simply frozen and amazed by this dazzling presence, I did nothing but soak it all in, I suppose; and then it finally ended. It truly felt like I knew all about him during those moments though it was never really made very clear, which is part reason why to this day I'm unsure as to name them. It's probably not that important as the reader, if anything stated here is regarded in priority.