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Forums -> Spiritual Creatures -> Re: Working with Angels
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Original Post:
by: MageMidas on Sep 26, 2024

Greetings and blessings,

I am curious about working with the angels, but don't know where to begin. I'm not the most proficient with tapping into my senses, but have dabbled with magick and spirituality in the past and kinda want to begin on my spiritual journey again.

In the past I have had more than one person bring up and tell me that the Archangel Michael and Gabriel had associations with me. I'm unsure what they really meant by that, when I asked if they were my guardians or guides I was told they both consider me their 'friend' but never could tell me why. I'm unsure if I worked with them in a past life, or inbetween lives, or how or why they would hold me in such regard. But I do wish to discover and find that out for myself.

So would anybody happen to work with angels regularly, and help me learn more about the heavenly host? I have much to learn.