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Forums -> Spell Suggestions -> Re: Forcalor
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Original Post:
by: AmyS989 on Mar 05, 2025

Thanks be to the forty-first spirit of the order Forcalor who commands thirty legions for the the successful vindication.

Those who come across this article in need of a spirit who can Whither the power of malicious magick directed at you, defeat an enemy on your behalf, or grant you vindication here's a spell for you.

Items you'll need:

*Seal of Forcalor
*1 green 7 day candle
*Dried rose petals
*sandalwood powder
*essential oil of rose
*1 charcoal disk
*3x3in. piece of clean paper

-Cleanse (incense, Florida water,etc -No salt-) your 7 day candle.
-poke 7 (7 for each day and it's corresponding planet) holes in the top layer of wax.
-crumble the dried rose petals and powdered sandalwood together and place a little around the inner glass of of the candle away from the wick.
-Write a simple petition to Forcalor on your 3x3inch of paper. Example:
"Forcalor removed and returned all malicious magick and energies against me to sender."
-place a little of the dried rose and sandalwood mixture in the center of the petition paper and fold it 3 times away from you each time counter clockwise.
-Lite the charcoal tablet and candle
-Visualize Forcalor's seal and speak to him.
"In the names of El, Elohim,Adonai, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh,El Shaddai, Elyon, and YHWH (EE-Ah-OH-Eh)-Shammah and by the powers of Hahahel, Hakmiel,Hatzafitziel,and Hosheiel I call on thee Forcalor come forth,accept this offering, and fulfill this my petition and request."
- State your petition and Visualize the completed state of your petition (Ex: your enemy defeated and unable to harm or effect you.).
-Place your folded petition on the charcoal let it burn to ash.
-After the charcoal stops producing smoke.
Respectfully Say: "In the names of El, Elohim,Adonai, Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh,El Shaddai, Elyon, and YHWH (EE-Ah-OH-Eh)-Shammah and by the powers of Hahahel, Hakmiel,Hatzafitziel,and Hosheiel I license you Forcalor to depart to your proper place."
-Leave the candle tin a safe place(In a fire place,cauldron,Dutch oven,in a fire safe lantern that is big enough to hold the 7 day candle,etc... to burn out on its own away from any fire hazardous (curtains, places your pet can access and knock candle over,etc..)

-It is done....