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Forums -> Introduce Yourself -> Re: hihi
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Original Post:
by: komodo on Oct 26, 2008

hi everyone

well sence i was lil i was told of gifts that i was born with and over time have gotten use to.

i can feel other ppls pain and i can heal them. how this works is they have to be in same area as me. for the distance i have to know u.

i have dreams of stuff that may happen. if i dream it 3x then it will come to past.

i can feel the presence of spirits good and bad around me when they are there. i can even feel there pain if they was wronged.

i was told sence i was a lil girl i am a warrior and a peace keeper to my ppl. i have 3 animal spirits around me at all times.

well i guess that is good for now hope to meet u all and become good friends with you all.

oh and if any one can help me with my profile that would be great i did something wrong and i can't edit it the option is not there thanks