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Forums -> Spell Suggestions -> Re: Burning Hand Spell-Edit?
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Original Post:
by: Amikarr on Aug 05, 2007

Just recently i have learned how to create my very own spells, and this is my first one. i have not tried it yet, and i would appreciate it if anybody could tell me if it needs editing. Thank You!

Burning Hand-Items required: One candle of any type.
Light your candle and hover your palm over the flame. (Not too close! Just have your palm close enough to the flame so you can feel the heat simmer comfortably on your skin.)
Close your eyes and clear your mind, relax, focus on nothing but the heat warming up your palm. Try to imagine yourself after the spell is complete, ?burning? other peoples skin. This may help the effects of the spell, as well as your concentration. After you are positive that you are completely ready to do so, recite the following incantation?
?I call upon the element of fire, to quell my ever-so burning desire. May my palm be one with this flame, May I sear my enemy?s flesh.?
After you recite this incantation, it is vitally important you keep the candle burning (which means you must use some common sense. Don?t keep the candle by flammable objects, don?t keep the candle where it could fall on it?s side, and keep it away from pets and children. Its best to do this spell outside.) for if the candle is extinguished, so does the burning effect in your palm.
Using the palm you used in the spell, simply press it against anybody?s skin and it will feel as if they are being burned by a torch. (By the way, it does not matter how hard you press your palm onto their skin, there is no difference between a slight press or a violent press. Also, unlike a normal burn, your palm will leave no burn mark on the other?s skin.)
How many people can you ?burn? might you be wondering? That depends on how much energy was focused into the spell. But no matter how much energy you focus into the spell, the burning sensation your target feels will be the same.
To cease the spell, simply extinguish the candle, or you can wait until the effects of the spell wear off.