11 Spiritual Spells from Council of Nephtian
- Meditation
- Protect a Room
- Protection on a that Dares to Harm
- Monroe Astral Projection
- Thrice Defence Chant
- Raw Energy
- Power Of The Night
- Freeze Aura
- Dragon´s Light Protection
- Energy Drain
#1 - Meditation
Meditation by The Crimson (David)
Ok, first off I'm going to explain the benefits of meditation.
1. Helps your brain heal neuron pathways in your brain. Since your brain for most people is constantly working (even when you dream/sleep) there is really no time for it to take a break and heal. Repetitive meditation over a course of time will help remedy this problem.
2. Meditation relieves stress.
3. It can help further your concentration and discipline which inevitably you will use over the course of your life.
4. Can lead to AP with further development.
Some things you may notice while meditating or after said action is a light headed or heavy chested feeling. If you kept your breathe at a stable rate this is a good sign.
The goal of meditation is to simply relax oneÂs mind and make if void of thought in general. By doing such you accomplish the benefits of meditation said prior in this article.
Firstly I will post my own method of meditation and then a few from online with proper citations. (Maybe just links)
When I first start to meditate I choose the position in which I prefer to sit this time.
Sometimes I just lay down in my bed.
Other times I sit in a recliner.
And others I sit crossed legged or lotus style.
As long as you can breathe easily, the position you choose is really up to you.
Next would be to relax.
Start with your face then the rest of your head go to your neck and shoulders then arms and torso pelvis and legs and then your feet.
Do your best to relax including your back become and comfortable as possible. (This is why it might be better to lay in bed or sit in a recliner)
The next step is to control your breathing.
Try breathing in a rhythm.
Inhale with a 4 count exhale with a 2 count and repeat.
If this doesn't work for you, switch it up till it feels right.
Everything in meditation should be personal preference.
You should keep this rhythm while being relaxed for about 3-6 minutes. Until it becomes natural or you think you should move on. Remember there is no need to rush the steps of meditation youÂre doing it to relax and such to begin with.
Ok there are two more steps and this is where it becomes tricky for most individuals.
Clearing the mind can be a difficult task at first and may seem nearly impossible. But it is quite the opposite and soon will become habit.
I will go over a few ways to clear the mind first and allow you to choose your own from my options or you can completely improvise or use a mixture remember meditation is completely personal preference.
Blackout method:
(I usually start with this.)
Close your eyes and completely focus on the darkness in front of you.
Imagine it is surrounding you and in such you are becoming more and more relaxed by the second. Stare at the black for a prolonged period. (If you notice light green or other colors after awhile just ignore these because they are just neuron images and have no meaning. the same happens when u apply pressure to your eyes while they r closed it's just your brain reacting.)
Trash bin method:
I learned this online from puzuzu's site. www.spellsandmagic.com
Basically visualize a trash bin in your mindÂs eye, and put all of your thoughts into it. (I.e. anything on your mind currently, be it that homework you skipped or your girlfriend all thoughts all together)
Once you completed that step.
Just imagine the trash bin falling away into an abyss. (Just make it go away) and with it all the thoughts. (DonÂt worry your memories will stay intact)
After this return to the blackout method.
Third eye focuses method:
I thought of this one when I was learning to astral project.
It worked rather well I thought. But only set back is you must have control of your third eye which is simple enough in itself. Basically use the blackout method and then focus completely on your third eye. imagine a dull violet color in your mindÂs eye once you get a third eye reaction just relax with your full attention to it while making all other thoughts void. Once that is complete wean your focus off your third eye.
Final step. Ok once you clear your mind the goal is just to maintain it in this state. ThatÂs all. It can take awhile but once you reach the time of 5-7 minutes of a clear mind the effects of meditation will start to become more apparent make sure to keep a schedule. If thatÂs impossible just whenever you have time is fine as well.
This section will deal with deeper meditation and entering the vibrational state which is used for AP.
This is a pre-requisite for AP. This works best if not only when in a room with dimmed lights not completely black but dark enough for little to no interference in concentration.
I thought I might as well go into more detail about this since it relates to the topic.
Deeper trance states can be achieved through the use of meditation in various manners. Once done AP will become much simpler. I will use the terms State A, State B, and State C for the levels of trance and deep meditation respectfully.
The section above describes how to reach a meditative state; we will refer to this as State A.
Once in State A, you can attempt to reach a deeper state of meditation which will be harder to do than all the previously stated practices.
First off you must get rid of all worry or regret and fear, for these will only build a mental wall which will make it harder to achieve your goal.
Now this part becomes a little hard to explain so bear with me and if you have any questions or need clarification about anything do not hesitate to send me a private message asking for help and so on.
From state a focus on the blackout method one more time but this time we are taking it to a further level. Instead of the darkness engulfing you, you are now standing in it. Imagine that youÂre facing a different direction and in every direction you look all you see is darkness. As if itÂs the only thing in the world. Allow this to become three dimensional before moving on. The reason for doing this is to try and reach what Monroe calls a vibrational state. You will know what this is when it happens, like a shockwave of energy overcoming you. To some extent. If you can reach this state proceed to the next step.
Also another way which you can reach the vibrational state is as follows.
Imagine your own body floating 1 foot above you; imagine that you are now in that body instead. Do the same thing again but this time 5 feet or so above this new body. You should produce a feeling of floating which is what you are trying to accomplish once you reach this floating state remind yourself how good it feels to float and how light you feel.
Once the vibrational state is entered you are now in State B.
State B consist of mastering the vibrational state, itÂs really just a stepping stone. Start by focusing the vibrations from your head to your toes. Try sending it in a rush down your body and back up, remember to include the arms as well. Try to control this the best you can, eventually you will be able to use it without meditating but it takes awhile to get used to and is really only effective in a meditative state.
Once mastered for lack or a better term, well once you become a novice of full vibrational control you should proceed to the next step.
State C consist of the vibrational state and entering AP. Once you have accomplished this you can pretty much astral project with enough practice and patience. Since this isnÂt really a guide to for AP, IÂll leave that for another day along with all the methods I use excluding the Monroe method which I already made a post containing.
#2 - Protect a Room
(Light your candles)
"For those who shall be blocked,
this room shall stay looked
and thoses who dare to lark,
will feel the power of the dark
the spirit shall keep the hall safe."
#3 - Protection on a that Dares to Harm
(Light you blessed candle)
"To all thats unclean I call."
(Pore salt in bowl)
(Light white candle)
"Come to this hall for all
I ask for gaurding on me
with a fee to thee."
(Drop cracker in the bowl)
"Protect me I beg.
Protect me."
(Pinch out candles)
#4 - Monroe Astral Projection
Relax the body. According to Monroe, ''the ability to relax is the first prerequisite, perhaps even the first step itself'' to having an OBE. (out of body experience). This includes both physical and mental relaxation. Monroe does not suggest a method of attaining this relaxation, although progressive muscle relaxation, coupled with deep breathing exercises (inhale 1, exhale 2, inhale 3... until about 50 or 100) are known to work well.
Step Two:
Enter the state bordering sleep. This is known as the hypnogogic state. Once again, Monroe doesn't recommend any method of doing this. One way is to hold your forearm up, while keeping your upper arm on the bed, or ground. As you start to fall asleep, your arm will fall, and you will awaken again. With practice you can learn to control the hypnogogic state without using your arm. Another method is to concentrate on an object. When other images start to enter your thoughts, you have entered the hypnogogic state. Passively watch these images. This will also help you maintain this state of near-sleep. Monroe calls this Condition A.
Step Three:
Deepen this state. Begin to clear your mind. Observe your field of vision through your closed eyelids at the blackness in front of your. After a while you may start to notice light patterns. These are simply neural discharges. They have no specific effect. Ignore them. When they cease, one has entered what Monroe calls Condition B. From here, one must enter an even deeper state of relaxation which Monroe calls Condition C-- a state of such relaxation that you lose all awareness of the body and sensory stimulation. You are almost in a void in which your only source of stimulation will be your own thoughts.
The ideal state for leaving your body is Condition D. This is Condition C when it is voluntarily induced from a rested and refreshed condition and is not the effect of normal fatigue. To achieve Condition D, Monroe suggests that you practice entering it in the morning just as you are getting up, or after a short nap.
Step Four:
Enter a state of Vibration. This is the most important part of the technique, and also the most vague.
Many projectors have noted these vibrations at the onset of projection. They can be experienced as a mild tingling, or as if electricity is being shot through the body. Their cause is a mystery. It may actually be the astral body trying to leave the physical body.
For entering into the vibrational state, he offers the following directions:
1. Remove all jewelry or other items that might be touching your skin.
2. Darken the room so that no light can be seen through your eyelids, but do not shut out all light.
3. Lie down with your body along a north-south axis, with your head pointed toward magnetic north.
4. Loosen all clothing, but keep covered so that you are slightly warmer than what might normally be comfortable.
5. Be sure you are in a location where, and at a time when, there will be absolutely no noise to disturb you.
6. Enter a state of relaxation.
7. Give yourself the mental suggestion that you will remember all that occurs during the upcoming session that will be beneficial to your well being. Repeat this five times.
8. As your breathe, concentrate on the void in front of you.
9. Select a point a foot away from your forehead, then change your point of mental reference to six feet.
10. Turn the point 90 degrees upward by drawing an imaginary line parallel to your body axis up above you head. Focus there and reach out for the vibrations at that point and bring them back into your body.
Even if you don't know what these vibrations are, you will know when you have achieved contact with them.
Step Five:
Learn to control the vibrational state. Practice controlling them by mentally pushing them into your head, down to your toes, making them surge throughout your entire body, and producing vibrational waves from head to foot. To produce this wave effect, concentrate on the vibrations and mentally push a wave out of your head and guide it down your body. Practice this until you can induce these waves on command. Once you have control of the vibrational state, you are ready to leave the body.
Step Six:
Begin with a partial separation. The key here is thought control. Keep your mind firmly focused on the idea of leaving the body. Do not let it wander. Stray thoughts might cause you to lose control of the state.
Now having entered the vibrational state, begin exploring the OBE by releasing a hand or a foot of the ''second body''. Monroe suggests that you extend a limb until it comes in contact with a familiar object, such as a wall near your bed. Then push it through the object. Return the limb by placing it back in to coincidence with the physical one, decrease the vibrational rate, and then terminate the experiment. Lie quietly until you have fully returned to normal. This exercise will prepare you for full separation.
Step Seven:
Dissociate yourself from the body. Monroe suggests two methods for this. One method is to lift out of the body. To do this, think about getting lighter and lighter after entering the vibrational state. Think about how nice it would be to float upward. Keep this thought in mind at all costs and let no extraneous thoughts interrupt it. An OBE will occur naturally at this point.
Another method is the ''Rotation Method'' or ''roll-out'' technique. When you have achieved the vibrational state, try to roll over as if you were turning over in bed. Do not attempt to roll over physically. Try to twist your body from the top and virtually roll over into your second body right out of your physical self. At this point, you will be out of the body, but next to it. Think of floating upward, and you should find yourself floating above the body.
Obviously I didn't create this method but I felt an urge to post it since it is the one I like the most.
The link to the main page is as follows http://www.crystalinks.com/astral.html
there you can also find other methods.
#5 - Thrice Defence Chant
All you need to do is walk around your circle chanting:
Say this three times and end with
This will protect you while you are in your circle.
#6 - Raw Energy
#7 - Power Of The Night
This spell is designed to help you sleep at night and have good dreams. It can also help you to focus while you sleep and gain more natural power. Begin by placing a mirror on a flat surface when the moon is high and bright. Pour the sugar water over the mirror and place three drops of your own blood within. Place the rose petal on the mirror as well.
Now look into the moon as if it were the only thing you can focus on and say: " Tonight is the night: the start of eternity. Grasp the might of my beholder. I wear love on my shoulder. Worry me not, master I shall obey. Hope and might as I pray. Dreams of mine, come out to play".
Light the candle you brought with you, and rest easy. Let the candle flame extinguish naturally.
#8 - Freeze Aura
"Feel my desire that freezes you, as your aura turns to ice you feel the cold pierce your soul. As I bind your aura and it turns against you, you feel the past come back to you and haunt you. The death of your will is done. As my will is done so mote it be."
(This spell is one that I had come up with in the military and it works very well. But you have to be able to use the element of ice really well.)
#9 - Dragon´s Light Protection
On this (month) night,
I call to thee to give me your might,
By the power of three,
I conjure thee,
To protect all that,
Surrounds me,
So mote it be,
So mote it be!!!''
#10 - Energy Drain
When low on energy, or if you want to drain an enemy's energy.
Focus on your index finger on your dominant hand. Feel the absorbing energy surround your fingertip. Absorbing energy is a light purple color with a white border. As it surrounds your finger, it should grow to about an inch in size, spherically. Then shoot the ball of energy toward your target (Human, Animal, Element, Machine, Etc.). After the ball hits the target, visualize the purple energy from the target (gas form, usually) entering your body through your hands.