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86 Spiritual Spells from Dark Moon's Light

Covens Dark Moon's Light  ► Dark Moon's Light's Spellbooks  ► 86 Spiritual Spells
86 Spiritual Spells from Dark Moon's Light

Included in this list of 86 Spiritual Spells
  1. Come Again
  2. Mirror Way
  3. Enemy Go Away
  4. Magic Spell to Switch Talents
  5. Third Eye Rite
  6. Seeing Auras
  7. General Charge for Spell
  8. Spell Binder
  9. Power Raising Spell
  10. Dreaming of the Past
#1 - #10
#21 - #30
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#1 - Come Again

Ever had a thought and it just slipped away before you can get it on paper or something? Well this spell will help you remember it.
You may need:

  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Bay leaf
  • Lighter
  • Small glass bowl
  • Open window
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    You may need:

  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Bay leaf
  • Lighter
  • Small glass bowl
  • Open window
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    Lay pen and paper on a table, take out one full bay leaf and light the end of the bay leaf while saying:

    "I will remember what I once thought, the thought that got away from my mind."

    Once the end is on fire blow out the flame on the leaf so it smokes. Wave the smoke towards your face with the other hand while saying:

    "Smoke so smooth yet so strong grab back the thought I once had."

    Once you get the thought you once had put the leafe down into the glass bowl and write down those thoughts. Throw leaf outside what's left of it if any including the ashes.

    Spell is done. Good luck.

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    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    #2 - Mirror Way

    To cast automatically the feelings of others back at them so you don't get the negative aspects from them.
    You may need:

  • Mirror
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    You may need:

  • Mirror
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    Look into the mirror and chant the following twice: "Come to me as a result of what I see. Come mirror and reflect negativity. Learn from what you tried to give me". Face mirror and chant: "By Mother Goddess and Father Time, I enchant this spell to reflect any negativity".

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    #3 - Enemy Go Away

    Banish an enemy
    You may need:

  • A needle
  • • One black pull out candle
  • • Black cotton fabric
  • • Small piece of brown paper
  • • Precipitado Oil
  • • Black coffee
  • • One small dark colored bottle with cap
  • • Commanding oil
  • • Crossing Oil
  • • Black Arts Oil
  • • HotFoot Powder
  • • Cotton twine
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    You may need:

  • A needle
  • • One black pull out candle
  • • Black cotton fabric
  • • Small piece of brown paper
  • • Precipitado Oil
  • • Black coffee
  • • One small dark colored bottle with cap
  • • Commanding oil
  • • Crossing Oil
  • • Black Arts Oil
  • • HotFoot Powder
  • • Cotton twine
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    Carve your enemies name in the candle with the
    needle. Anoint the candle with each one of the oils
    and sprinkle some Hot Food Powder on it. Light the
    candle. While it is lit, take the brown piece of paper
    and write your enemies name down 9 times. Roll the
    paper (away from you) and add nine drops of each of
    the Oils. Place it inside the bottle and sprinkle some
    of the Hot Foot Powder into it. Also place the coffee
    inside the bottle (fill it up.) Close the bottle up and
    seal it with the lit candles wax. Then wrap it with the
    black cloth and tie it with the cotton twine (9 times.)
    As you tie it each time, focus on your fury towards
    that person. Toss the water of the bottle (the mixture)
    into a river over your left shoulder. Don't turn back,
    just walk away. If you turn, the spell will backfire.

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    #4 - Magic Spell to Switch Talents

    To switch talents
    You may need:

  • One white candle a glass bowl (or a chalice)
  • Few pieces of paper (white and green)
  • Pencil (must be pencil or anything organic. i.e. contains carbon)
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    You may need:

  • One white candle a glass bowl (or a chalice)
  • Few pieces of paper (white and green)
  • Pencil (must be pencil or anything organic. i.e. contains carbon)
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    Place the things on a coffee table (or something similar) so that you are sitting directly opposite
    to your friend. Write your full name on a piece of white paper, and get your friend to do the same.
    Place the two pieces of paper adjacently under the glass bowl, and light the candle.
    Rub your finger/s on the pencil so that you get some lead on your finger/s, and get your
    friend to do the same. Print your fingerprints on the same green paper as your friend
    (so the two of you's fingerprints are connected on the green paper) Chant the following
    together three times as you and your friend fold the piece of paper in halves as much as you two can.

    "What's mine is yours; what's yours is mine.
    Let our talents switch at this time.
    As I send you my precious gifts
    Bring forth to me your unique wits
    I forbid you from causing harm.
    Nor will I receive your ham.
    As I will it, so shall it be.
    Let our powers shine for all to see."

    When you've got to the end of the third chant, your paper should have been folded into a stick form.
    Put it through the flame on the candle (both of you must be holding the piece of paper), and place it the glass bowl, and watch it burn. Imagine white light switching from both of you.

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    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    #5 - Third Eye Rite

    Perform this neo-Pagan ritual to improve psychic powers three days before the moon is full, and preferably when it is in either the astrological sign of Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio.
    You may need:

  • Yarrow
  • Mugwort
  • Magic mirror, crystal ball, or crystal pyramid
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    You may need:

  • Yarrow
  • Mugwort
  • Magic mirror, crystal ball, or crystal pyramid
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    Perform this neo-Pagan ritual to improve psychic powers three days before the moon is full,
    and preferably when it is in either the astrological sign of Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio.
    Begin by brewing a strong magical tea made from yarrow or mugwort (herbs that
    stimulate the psychic senses) and then light thirteen purple colored votive candles to
    help attract psychic influences.
    Drink the tea and then gaze fixedly into a magic mirror, crystal ball, or crystal pyramid
    as you chant thrice the following incantation:

    "I invoke thee, O Asariel
    Archangel of Neptune
    And ruler of clairvoyant powers.
    I ask thee now to open my third eye
    And show me the hidden light
    Let me see the future.
    Let me see the past.
    Let me perceive the divine
    Kingdoms of the unknown.
    Let me understand the wisdom
    Of the mighty universe.
    So mote it be! "

    After chanting, relax, breathe slowly and concentrate on opening your Third Eye.
    Do not permit any negative thought to contaminate your mind.
    The Third Eye, an invisible chakra located in the middle of the forehead above the
    space between the eyebrows, is the huma.n body's highest source of power,
    supernormal sight and clairvoyant vision

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    #6 - Seeing Auras

    There's no one method to seeing auras, the method given below is my personal way.
    You may need:

    You may need:


    First of all, what exactly is an aura? It's an electromagnetic field that surrounds all living things.
    They can be seen as well as felt, or sensed.
    Auras can reveal a persons emotional well being as well as physical state.
    There's no one method to seeing auras, the method given below is my personal way.
    First there's the background.
    Some sources say that when reading an aura it's best to have a very dark black or red
    background, other's say to a white one. I've tried both and found that for me darker is much
    easier. Next, the aura is generally strongest around a person's head, but it you don't have
    another person to try this with, your own had will work fine.
    Pick a point just beyond your hand and let your eye unfocused (it's very similar to the way you
    view a 'magic eye' picture for those of you who know what that is). Eventually a thin white
    band will come into view. This is the first layer of the aura. Once you're able to view the
    white band, fix your gaze a little ways beyond it. Eventually a colored(s) band will
    come into view. Note, this stage is much harder to see, after a ton of practice I still
    can't see it every time. Each color has a meaning which is posted below.


    RED: Energy, strength, courage
    BRICK RED: Anger
    DEEP RED: Sensuality
    CRIMSON: Loyalty
    PINK: Cheerfulness ,optimism
    ROSE: Self love
    ORANGE: Joy, vitality, balance of mental & physical
    YELLOW: Wisdom, creativity, spiritual
    GREEN: Ingenuity, compassion ,growth
    PALE GREEN: Healing power
    GRAYISH GREEN: Pessimism, envy
    BLUE: Spiritual, idealistic, imaginative, intellectual
    GRAYISH BLUE: Melancholy
    ICE BLUE: Intellectual
    PURPLE: Spiritual power

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    #7 - General Charge for Spell

    The following chant is a good all purpose chant that can be used for just about any spell.
    You may need:

    You may need:


    The following chant is a good all purpose chant that can be used for just about any spell:

    "Witches power burning bright, tarot, rune and blade,
    Charge the spell, enfilled with might, here and now the magic's made.
    Wave and tree, hedge and flame, strength of the elements gather here,
    to bless this work and charge it well, to complete the spell now far or near.
    Mystic Moon and Brilliant Sun, send your power here this way,
    Gracious Lady, Mighty Lord, bless this charge that I lay.
    Powers that are, powers that be, gather round this spell I cast,
    empower my working three times three, send it forth to see it last! So Shall it Be!"

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    #8 - Spell Binder

    This adds a certain boost to the releasing of energy of any spell you do.
    You may need:

  • Pentagram you have attuned to yourself
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    You may need:

  • Pentagram you have attuned to yourself
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    This is best used at the end of a spoken or written spell. This adds a certain boost to the releasing of energy. It also works best if you are wearing a pentagram you have attuned to yourself.

    Speak these word with all the fibers of your body while releasing the spell's energy: "By the pentagram I wear. By water, fire, earth and air. Ruled by spirit, all should be. As I speak so mote it be!".

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    #9 - Power Raising Spell

    This spell can be used to raise the powers of the gods/goddesses to your aid.
    You may need:

  • 1 White Candle
  • Thought
  • Belief in Magic
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    You may need:

  • 1 White Candle
  • Thought
  • Belief in Magic
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    First light the candle and place it in the center of your alter. Focus on the flame and feel the power fill you. Once ready say: "I call on the goddess three. Come and give thy power to me."
    Repeat three times and after the third time say: "As above so below. May thy power accompany me as I go."

    Note: This spell/chant can be modified for a group simply by replacing the singular words such as I and me with we and us.

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    #10 - Dreaming of the Past

    A spell to help veiw the past of one's self.
    You may need:

  • 1 root of bracken plant
  • Jasmine incense
  • 1 cup ginseng tea
  • 1 blue candle
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    You may need:

  • 1 root of bracken plant
  • Jasmine incense
  • 1 cup ginseng tea
  • 1 blue candle
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    Place bracken root under your pillow to help induce dreams. Light both the incense and candle, then inhale the smoke while you say the spell: "Goddess of dreams, Goddess of time: Guide me on this journey. Let the past become the present. Let the present now unfold. Let no harm befall me. May your arms encircle me. Let my eyes behold that which I seek as my past unravels before my feet".

    Repeat the spell three times. Once done, meditate and drink the ginseng tea before you sleep.

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    Last edited on May 19, 2016
    Part of the Dark Moon's Light Library.

    86 Spiritual Spells from Dark Moon's Light
    #1 - #10
    #21 - #30